Home Opinion Sequestration has robbed the states and cities in the following ways:

Sequestration has robbed the states and cities in the following ways:


1186321_519199841506291_1327531085_aTO THE EDITOR:

Sequestration has robbed the states and cities in the following ways:

•  Millions in funding has been lost for education — plus teachers and
aide jobs.
•  Millions in environmental funding is being  lost and not ensuring
clean water and air quality.
•  Millions in grants are lost for fish and wildlife protection.
•  Thousands lost for job search assistance.
•  Millions in public health money.
•  Millions being cut for military base civilian work, forcing thousands
of civilian employees to take furloughs.
•  Millions lost on meals for seniors.
• Child care for children lost and Head Start services for children.

The sequestration pain and cruelty is just a start, because Republican lawmakers are threatening a government shutdown unless “Obamacare” is de-funded. Republicans are running misleading ads in many of the states, so separate the  myths  from the facts. People working multiple jobs to make “ends” meet and still struggling are not impressed by these phony attempts. The GOP tea party clowns and fools are clearly in charge and has cannibalized the Republican party.

Walt Hill
Petersburg, VA


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