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A Quest to Know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

May I ask what kind of investment you are making for your everlasting security? Why do I ask, well it is because life is so very short, and there is such a vast range of conglomerate  investors pressing for information, which are leading many into confusion, and some are real and many are not.  I really desire that you make the real and everlasting investment. Did you ask which investment is real?  Yes, what do you have to offer?  Oh, I am so glad you asked, because I have the greatest and most real and valuable investment than anyone can make. Have a seat, and let me tell you about the one I am sure about, because I am a member. Does being a member make you sure about it?  Sure, I have had many family members and friends who have benefitted. Okay, tell me about it. I will tell you, but I want you to read the Most Holy and dependable Book that tells you all about its master plan. There is page after page, which explains in detail the Founder and Creator of the plan. Information is also in the Book about the author’s love and concern for each member is heart melting.
First, I would like to make it quite clear what will happen when you make your investment.  You will receive an everlasting security plan as long as you live on earth. Second – you will receive a guarantee seal of an everlasting life with the Creator who is merciful and gracious to all the investors, who have committed their lives to investing in His Master’s Plan. [Ephesians 1:13]
The Creator of the investment plan is the life giver who gave His life for you that you may have eternal life with Him. Have you invested yet?


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