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University of Montevallo

Administrative Assistant I
Customer Service Representative
HR Assistant

Visit https://jobs.montevallo.edu

UM is an AA/EO Employer
University of Montevallo
Executive Director of Academic Success
Apply online at
UM is an AA/EO Employer

Customer Service Representative.

Royal Cup Coffee, the leading coffee roaster and nationwide provider of gourmet coffees, teas
and allied products offers an excellent opportunity for highly motivated and skilled individuals.
We are currently accepting applications for an immediate opening for a part time, Customer
Service Representative.

The Customer Service Representative will perform clerical customer service duties in support of our field sales representatives acting as a liaison between customers and field.

Royal Cup offers competitive wages and an opportunity to grow your career.  Royal Cup Coffee is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  To apply please visit online at  www.royalcupcoffee.com/.

Account Executive
Service Support Assistant

Royal Cup Coffee, the leading coffee roaster and nationwide provider of gourmet coffees, teas and allied products offers an excellent opportunity for highly motivated and skilled individuals.  We are currently accepting applications for two positions to join our National Accounts team.

The Account Executive will be responsible for new business sales, managing existing customers for retention and growth through personal relationships and the Service Support Assistant will be responsible for supporting new business sales, managing the existing customer for retention and growth.
Royal Cup offers competitive wages and an opportunity to grow your career.  Royal Cup Coffee is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  To apply please visit online at   www.royalcupcoffee.com/.
Superior Service, Inc.
Superior Service, Inc. is looking to employ an Equipment Operator for recycling metal Process with CDL License. Diesel mechanic experience helpful.   Call 574-806-5558 or e-mail at  superiorservicesininc@yahoo.com
Earn Extra Money
Deliver the YP Real Yellow Pages
Birmingham, AL Area
FT/PT, Daily work, get paid in 72hrs
Must be 18 or older, have driver’s license and insured vehicle
(800) 422-1955
Call for more info Mon – Fri  8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Or email us at deliverphonebooksse@directrac.com
Mention “Birmingham” Help
“Granite Countertops Installers”
6 Mo. Exp. Required.
Install, Polish, Fab
(205) 218-9579
Caregiver –  If you are looking
For Professional Sitter with 16
years exp. in healthcare. Excellent
people skills, enjoy helping
other people. Duties and exp.
Include: Personal Hygienist,
light house keeping, etc. Will
consider a live-in. For info
Call 205-253-4320

Drivers: Great Pay/ Benefits!
Paid Vacation! Rider Program. DryBulk,
Longhaul. CDL-A w/Haz; 6mos exp, 21yoa.

Call (205) 788-7862

2005 Chevy Malibu
4 door automatic
Habla Espanol
Call Jay 205-863-7556

2010 Chevy Impala
Full size 4 door Automatic
Call Sammy 205-814-6454

2010 Mitsubishi Endeavor
Loaded full size
Call Ivory  205-821-0491

2010  Mercury Milan
4 door automatic
Midsize LOADED economy
Call Sammy 205-814-6454

2010 Chevy Impala
Loaded good miles
Call Ivory 205-821-0491

Calling all singles ….

I have the best 2 BR with DEN home in Ensley Highlands for you. Beautiful yard, separate garage, C/A, porch and patio. Call me to take a look see;  Cynthia Marzette (205) 910-7149 or Barnes and Associates (205)328-3330

Veterans looking for a home? I will work with you in any area of town to find you the best on the market. Call  Cynthia Marzette (205) 910-7149 or ask for me at Barnes and Associates, (205) 328-3330.

Ideal for medical office or hospital equipment sales directly across from Baptist Princeton Hospital. Off street parking, private shower, beautiful reception room.  &Cynthia Marzette (205) 910-7149 or ask for me at Barnes and Associates, (205) 328-3330.

Jefferson County Center for Workforce Development

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Paid Internship Program

DEADLINE October 18, 2013; 4 p.m.

The Jefferson County Center for Workforce Development is seeking proposals from organizations to provide paid internships to eligible Workforce Investment Act participants.  These internship opportunities should provide rewarding work experience in various high demand occupations.  The internships will last 3 months and interns will be paid $12.00 per hour.  Each intern will work a maximum of 40 hours per week.  The program will end June 30, 2014 and is subject to renewal.

The RFP information packet will be available September 27, 2013 at the JCWIA office at 3420 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL  35222 or it may be downloaded from our website at http://jeffconline.jccal.org/comdev/.

Proposals must be returned and logged in by 4PM, October 25, 2013. No proposals will be accepted after the time listed above.

A Bidder’s Conference will be held October 14, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Jefferson County Workforce Investment Area Office on the second floor at 3420 3rd  Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222.


For more information, please contact Pamela Mapp at (205)307-6701

The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama for the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) requests bids for: New Floor Finishes, Floors 2-4, SHP.   UAB Project No. 128166AD.

UAB is a Signatory Sponsor to and affirms The Birmingham Plan – Construction Industry Program (see the requirements thereof as stated in Paragraph 12 of the Supplementary Instructions to Bidders, Specification Section 00120 and Standing Addendum No. 1 to the Supplementary Instructions to Bidders).

A Mandatory pre-bid Conference will be held Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 2 p.m. at the Facilities Administration Building Conference Room 205A, 801 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL.

Bids will be received until 2 p.m. CST on October 8, 2013 and will thereafter be publicly opened and read aloud in Room 205A of the Facilities Administration Building, 801 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294-4554. Bids must be submitted on Proposal Forms furnished. Bids shall be clearly identified on the exterior of the package with the bidder’s name, address, State license number, the name of the project being bid, time and place of the bid opening. Sealed bids shall be properly identified.

On the date of the bid opening Bids may be hand delivered or received by Express Service mail at the Office of the Senior Facilities Officer, 801 6th Avenue South, Facilities Administration Building, Room 154, Birmingham, AL 35294, or received by US Postal Service mail at the Office of the Senior Facilities Officer, FAB 154 1530 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294-4554 respectfully until 9:00 a.m. After 9:00 a.m. of the date of the bid opening, bids must be hand delivered and presented at the bid opening. One original copy of the sealed bid shall be submitted and shall be properly identified.  All bids received after
2 p.m. on October 8, 2013 will be returned unopened.

Construction Contracts shall be awarded only to qualified Contractors, licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors, as required by Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama. Construction Contracts in excess of $50,000 shall be awarded only to Contractors licensed as required by the 1978 Code of Alabama, Title 34, Chapter 8 as amended. Formal pre-qualification for bidders is not required, however, bidders must be “responsible” in accordance with criteria in the bid documents and as stipulated by Title 39-2-4-(e) of the Code of Alabama.

A Cashier’s Check drawn on an Alabama Bank or bid bond, executed by a Surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such bonds in Alabama, payable to The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama in the amount of 5% of the amount of bids, but in no event more than
$10,000.00, must accompany the bidder’s bids. Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price will be required when the Contract is presented by the Contractor to the Owner.

UAB has designated that bid documents will be available for examination at the Plan Room of McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge, 3000 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233; at AGC Internet Plan Room, 5000 Grantswood Road, Irondale, AL 35210; at The Birmingham Construction Industry Authority, 3600 Fourth Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222; and at the Reed Construction Data Office, 30 Technology Pkwy. South, Suite 500, Norcross, GA

Bid documents are available for purchase at Alabama Graphics, 2801 Fifth Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233.

The scope of work for this project will be floor finish replacement in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor main corridors of the School of Health Professions. The new floor finish will be sheet vinyl flooring.  All walls and door frames within these main corridors will be painted as a part of this project.



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