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Holy Family Cristo Rey, Liquid Gold Foundation team up to hold blood platelet drive


Holy Family CristoBIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A leukemia survivor who founded a foundation to help others is teamed up with Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School in Ensley to hold a blood drive at the school.
About 32 students signed up to donate blood platelets at the school between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the school, located at 2001 19th St. Ensley. The event is being coordinated by Don Pierini, who founded Liquid Gold Foundation after a bout of leukemia in 2007. Pierini credits blood platelets received at the hospital for enabling him to recover from the disease.
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers has partnered with Pierini to provide professional medical staff and specialized plate collection machines at Holy Family Cristo Rey.
Pierini said blood platelets given by participating students will be donated to Children’s Hospital to help young patients fighting cancer and other ailments. Blood platelets save the lives of leukemia, cancer and open heart surgery patients. But because they only survive five days blood platelets are always in short supply, he said.
When he first shared his leukemia testimony in soliciting blood platelet donors at Holy Family Cristo Rey on Oct. 10, Pierini expected only a handful to express interest. He was shocked when 32 signed up, by far the most of any visit to local schools.
Holy Family Cristo Rey is a private school that offers college preparatory curriculum at a discounted tuition rate thanks to the support and generosity of corporate sponsors who employ students one day a week.
“The students of Holy Family Cristo Rey are giving new meaning to the phrase ‘community service’,” Pierini said. “Many of these students will be donating their platelets and community service hours to help sick children at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. They are to be commended.”
Four of the Holy Family Cristo Rey students donating blood platelets on Thursday said they feel honored to be able to give back. “I want to do my part to help other children in need,” said Mackdelisha Sparkman, a senior.
Fellow seniors Malik Youngblood, Erin Campbell and Erica Carroll said they too were moved by Pierini’s testimony. “I want to leave a legacy of helping others,” Campbell said.
Erica Carroll said she lost a friend as a young child who needed blood and made a vow after her death “that I would give blood to help other patients in need. “

For more information about Holy Family Cristo Rey, call (205) 787-9937 or go to www.hfcristorey.org. To sign up for a future blood platelet drive with the Liquid Drive Foundation, call Pierini at (205) 877-4534 or email him at contact@liquidgoldfoundation.org.  


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