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One Man's Opinion

Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.
  Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.
Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

Be careful of what you say
by Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

Once upon a time you could make a statement in New York and 10 days later, you could hear it in Birmingham, Alabama. Today you make a statement and in 30 seconds or less it’s heard all over the world.
Here are two statements we will hear repeatedly from now to the end of the elections in 2016 everyday, all day long.
(1) If you have an insurance policy you can keep it.
(2) What difference does it make.

The first statement was made by Barack Obama when he was promoting the Affordable Care Act. The Republican Party will use this and the name Obamacare everyday, every night, 24 hours, seven days a week, average 30 days a month, 365 days. This is all they have to hang their hats on to pick up House and Senate seats in 2014. It will be called Obamacare as long as it doesn’t work. In the event  that this Affordable Care Act starts to working and people begin to benefit, they will use its correct name, Affordable Care Act.
Unquestionably, the website must be fixed and evidently some changes will have to be made in this Act. We need this program to be successful and there are a lot of Republican Tea Party people praying for it to fail.
The famous last words they would like to use is ‘I told you so.’
Hillary Clinton made the second statement when she testified before Congress on Benghazi. What the Republicans are saying, starting now, and through 2016, what she was saying was what difference does it make how many lives were lost. What she was really saying was it was unfortunate what happened and now we need to spend this time to fix it so it won’t happen again.
Will this hurt her chances in 2016? The answer is yes, it will only hurt the margin she will win by. I’m confident she will win if she decides to run. The Republican Party’s only chances to win the presidential seat is to find themselves a female candidate; for 2016 will be the year of the woman. Most women will say, “It’s about time.”
If I had to make a prediction I would say, the 2016 race will be between Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton. The Tea Party will push Christie so far to the left that it will be very difficult for him to last through Iowa, which is the first step on the way to the presidency.

Can Alabama Beat LSU?

One can make the case that Alabama has a quarterback in the top five in America; their offensive line ranks one or two in America; their defensive line ranks No.1 in America; their special team unit ranks one or two in America; their punting and kicking team ranks in the Top 2 in America.
My question now is, if this is accurate, and it is, what team do you think will win this showdown between LSU and Alabama?
According to the President of the University of Alabama and Jacqueline Washington, Nick Saban is the best investment the University of Alabama has ever made. Keep in mind he did not say ‘one of the top five best investments’ nor did he say ‘one of the best investments.’ He said THE best investment.
When Nick Saban appeared on 60 Minutes last Sunday this same person, Jackie Washington, agreed. Her husband George, according to unreliable sources, was not feeling well and she informed her husband, please do not get sick because I can’t rush you to the hospital until Nick Saban’s interview is over.
I’m not sure this is accurate, but knowing how Jackie feels about Alabama football, my guess would be that this unsubstantiated information is accurate.

e-mail: jjlewis@birminghamtimes.com


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