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A Quest to Know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

You are no doubt thinking who or what is a novice  – and rightly so.  A novice is an inexperienced person, a beginner.  The leadership of far too many leaders has the idea “this is “my” church and I make the decisions. Many do not know what the Bible says about the leader or they do not know what it implies. Jesus points out a leader’s responsibility in Luke 22:24-30, which is just one of the many Scriptures that tells and explains the importance of a leader who desires to lead His people.  THERE IS A GREAT PENALTY FOR MISLEADING GOD’S PEOPLE.  Many leaders think their education qualifies them to lead God’s people, but many, many times the paper on the wall is the most disqualifying factor.  By all means, understand me correctly – an education is a MUST – you cannot succeed successfully without knowledge, but knowledge does not qualify you for the Kingdom of God. You must understand priorities.  Jesus does not need nor want your knowledge. The ACTIONS of the Pharisees teach a great lesson in Matthew the 23rd Chapter. Jesus accepts a broken and contrite heart, and a heart that loves Him, thus loving His people.  [Hosea 4:6 and 6:6; John 17:3]  Jesus said in Matthew 12:7, “If you had know what this means, you would not have condemned the guiltless.”
God’s desire is that you have knowledge of who He is, and knowledge of the CROSS of Jesus, and what He accomplished there, because it is not what you do, but what Jesus has done [Micah 6:6-8].  The Lord loves His people, and desires that all come to the knowledge of Him.  LEADERS MUST BE BROKEN AND LEAD SPIRITUALLY.  www.thealmightyeyes.com


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