Home Lifestyle Family Direct Fundraiser

Family Direct Fundraiser


Family Direct,IncPhoto by Winthrop Nall

Family Direct, Inc., a nonprofit organization, hosted a fundraiser on March 21, at the law firm of Waldrep Stewart & Kendrick, LLC to raise awareness and increase their budget in order to assist families financially with costs to bury a loved one who had no final arrangement insurance. It is the responsibility of the family to bury a loved one whether their budget will allow it or not. Family Direct, Inc. is interested in working with local funeral homes to be a cushion between the family and the funeral home.
Family Direct is governed by a Board of Directors.

Members: Gwendolyn Hatcher, Founder/Executive Director; Koriya Padgett, Assistant Executive Director; Carolyn Dudley, Director  of Fundraising; Sharon Merritt, Director of Communications; Quisa Nobles, Director of Finance; Chrysondra Noye, Director of Administration; Claressa Simmons, Director of Public Relation and Kathy Willis, Director of Grant Research.


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