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Mark Your Calendars!


Seeds Coffee House presents published authors/poets Shaunteka LaTrese and Yolonda Carter “Eternal Communicator” Saturday, March 29th!
An evening of poetic food for the soul!

Make plans to arrive early to attend a special “Meet the Authors”/Book Signing segment (6:30-7:00pm) before the show! Special discounts will be available during this segment.
Please see attached flyer for additional information and a pre-purchase option to have your book(s) in hand when you arrive!

This is a FREE event at Seeds Coffee Shop 174 Oxmoor Rd in Homewood.
Please feel free to share this information with those whom you think may enjoy! 

If you have any questions please feel to contact me for further information.
Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to seeing you on the 29th!



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