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A Quest to Know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

One may be mentally thinking about some place to hide, because they are in trouble or thinking about it. Well, if that is the case, there is no place to hide from the Lord, and you may hide a short while from man, but eventually he will find you. There is no place to ever consider hiding from the Lord. You see, the God of all creation knew you before He placed you in your mother. You may be thinking, what on earth is she talking about. Well, you see Psalm 139 says the Lord knew you before you were formed, and when your bones were made, He saw how you would be knit together, because He made you; therefore, there is no hiding place from the Lord. He knows every thought you think every time you think. Do you know how many times you think? God knows.
Every decision man makes and everything he does comes before the Lord.  Man has to answer to God for each one of his actions. You may be thinking I do not believe that. Well, let us see what the Word of God says about it. Romans 14:12; Matthew 12: 36-37 clearly states each one of us must give an account to the Lord. These Scriptures shed perfect light on whether or not you can hide from the Lord your own words and actions.
Since this is true, and it is, should we all not be more cognizant about every deed we do? Of course, we should, and we should always remember there is no hiding place from God. Knowing this, how will you live for the Lord or will you live at all for Him?


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