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Book NewsBy Esther Callens

Kari Kampakis has written a wonderful debut book that is fundamental in shaping all little girls’ future. 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know (Thomas Nelson), its title, sheds light on bullying, peer pressure and all that comes with being a female youth. Drawn from her successful blog of 2013, Kari Kampakis has perfected a way to communicate easily with roughly half of Generation Z. It is a Godsend!
A baby girl is taught to be a young lady. This lays the ground work for her to grow into a mature woman which is the prayer of any good parents. However, with the stress that today’s society puts on the family nucleus, sometimes help is needed. 10 Ultimate Truths happens to be a valuable tool little misses in training can benefit from. Spoken with a mother’s tongue, it is laced with sound Christian doctrine – words that are not spoken enough in today’s culture.
10 Ultimate Truths address the issues that the average preteen/teen faces on a daily basis. Each topical section may include a short story or example infused with good advice. Following this are biblical verses with discussion questions ending each chapter. Making wise choices, respect for self and others, the beauty within, boys and even God’s plan for you are just some of the topics discussed. Written in a manner to encourage open dialogue, it presents the perfect way for mothers/fathers and daughters to bond intimately while providing a few words of wisdom. Kari Kampakis has comprised a priceless, insightful guidance utensil that’s easy to follow. It is a divinely inspired necessity for all daughters. 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know will be in retail early November.
Alabama native Kari Kampakis wears many hats. This former children’s photographer is a newspaper columnist, blogger, wife and mother of four precious daughters. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama and she has a MBA degree in public relations. Her work has been featured on HuffPost Parents and a number of newspapers. She, her husband, children and Lola – their dog, make Birmingham home.


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