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False Humility Doesn’t Please God!


Electra Adams  Many Christians hold the mistaken view that God is pleased when we put ourselves down. How could that be, when we are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)? To criticize ourselves is to criticize the workmanship of God. As the saying goes, “God doesn’t make junk!” Many of the great men and women in the Bible initially tried to use false humility to excuse themselves from the commission God had for them. Each time, the Lord rebuked them. For example, God wasn’t impressed with Moses’ humility when he claimed he wasn’t eloquent enough to lead the Israelites. From our perspective, Moses was just being humble. From God’s perspective, Moses was actually doing the very opposite of true humility – he was placing his own evaluation of himself above God’s. While hiding under the guise of modesty, nothing could be more proud and presumptuous.
Rather than being pleased by Moses’ excuses, “the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses.”
When God called Jeremiah, a similar conversation took place (Jeremiah 1:4-10). Like Moses, Jeremiah had an excuse for why he could not possibly fulfill the awesome call of God on his life. But, as He had done in response to Moses’ pleas of inadequacy, God told Jeremiah to quit sucking his thumb: “Prepare yourself and arise!” Contrary to what we might expect, the Lord never seems very impressed when we tell him how inadequate we are. Paul made it clear that he had learned this very lesson: “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant” (2 Corinthians 3:5-6).

Another excerpt from: “Elephants in the Church”  by Bishop George G. Bloomer…Thanks to all my readers. Please mail all topics to be discussed to: 1024 Ethel Ln B’ham. AL 35235 or  text…205-276-9019…Phone will not accept voice… Remember, there is still time in the summer to get out and do you for Jesus! Manifest Christ in the midst of great darkness; He will shine through you!
Have a great week!


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