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Do Everything


Do Everything“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Have you ever taken a trip without directions to your destination? Would you leave your city of residence headed to another state and not know how to get there? How about getting on an airplane knowing the pilot doesn’t have a flight plan? Of course not. However, that is exactly what you are doing every day that you proceed with your day without consulting God for guidance and wisdom. When you make major decisions without asking God about them, it’s like walking into a dark cave with- out a light. The funny thing about it is when things don’t work out the way you expected, God is the first one you call on to fix it. There are many times in the Word of God where obedience and wisdom are stressed as a pre-requisite for success. So why would you set out to do anything without first consulting God?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs  3:5-6
I have learned after years of trying to do it on my own that God’s way is so much better. Now I must warn you that what you will usually think is the right way to go, God will tell you to go the other way. When you really want to move forward, God may tell you to stand still. The person you really want to be with, God may say is not the one He has prepared for you. You will find yourself torn between your will and the will of God often when you make the decision to let God order your steps but you will end up in a much better place. You will repeat less and regret less because God will never steer you wrong. So if you have a plan, believe God has given you a vision or have your eyes on someone or something, don’t move forward without consulting God.

His way is the best way ALWAYS,
Minister Deidra Bibb


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