Home Lifestyle Health Happy Holidays! Dine & Dance with the Bessemer Chapter of AARP

Happy Holidays! Dine & Dance with the Bessemer Chapter of AARP

Jack Bradford, Judy Mannings, E.W.Phillips, Emma Ephriams and Candi Williams
Jack Bradford, Judy Mannings, E.W.Phillips, Emma Ephriams and Candi Williams
Jack Bradford, Judy Mannings, E.W.Phillips, Emma Ephriams and Candi Williams

Make your reservations now to join The Bessemer/West Jefferson County Chapter #5418 of AARP, Inc. on Friday, December 19, starting at 6p.m. at the Discovery Alabama Event & Conference Center
Master Ballroom  – The WaterMark Place Center, 4500 Katie’s Way (Alabama Adventure Parkway) Bessemer, AL 35022.
A Fun filled Holiday Celebration, A Delicious Buffet Dinner and party to the beat of the Band!
Advance Admission only! $30 per person payable to:
Bessemer/West Jefferson County Chapter #5418 of AARP, Inc.
Accepting reservations and payments until December 5, 2014.
For more information call Emma Ephriams (Chapter President) at 205-744-9770.


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