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Judson College to celebrate annual Christmas Tea and Vespers


Judson College's VespersMARION, ALA: Christmas Tea and Vespers is one of Judson’s most festive annual traditions. This year’s holiday celebration is planned for Saturday, December 6. The day’s event will also provide an Open House for Judson College students’ families and friends.
The Christmas Tea will take place in the Gladys Hale Dunkin Parlors of Jewett Hall on Saturday at 3:00 pm. Following the tea, Christmas Vespers will take place in Alumnae Auditorium at 6 p.m.
This year’s Christmas Vespers Program will be directed by Dr. Camilla Horne, Assistant Professor of Music. Entitled “Mary’s Journey,” the program will celebrate, with scripture readings, music and song. One theme will reflect the strength and deep faith of Mary, mother of Jesus.
Musical selections will be offered by the Judson Singers and FAITH ensemble, the Judson Ringers handbell ensemble, an instrumental ensemble, a string trio, and the program will include several congregational Christmas hymns.
“Vespers is the sixth of the canonical hours that is said or sung in the late afternoon or early evening,” according to Horne. Judson staff members Leah Washburn and Miriam Nicholson will serve as accompanists for the program; faculty member Dr. Ray Price will be the organist.
“Following Judson tradition, four seniors in the music department will be recognized at this their last Christmas Vespers performance at the college. They will sing a verse of “Silent Night” and lead a candle lighting ceremony,” Horne said. The students are: Christina Blain of Ariton, Ala.,  Carly Gamblin of Crossville, Ala., Anna Hollingshead of Century, Fla., and Courtney Tindale of Bremen, Ala.,
The public is welcome to attend Christmas Vespers, and there is no charge for admission.


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