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Just Ask

Angela Moore
Angela Moore
Angela Moore

By Angela Moore

When was the last time you asked an important question or expressed a pressing need and was fully prepared to handle the answer? In a meeting recently about a prominent group I brought up the suggestion to make some “asks” known that could possibly help with some needs. The answer I received was that the perception publicly is that this group was not in need of help (so untrue), hence the reluctance of others to help. So essentially this group wasn’t asking for help and no one was asking to help them, all because no one knew that there were valid reasons to ask. What a conundrum! Yikes! How many times has your life or mine mirrored this situation where lack of communication starting with some good, old fashioned questions was the roadblock to what lies ahead?
Lack of “asks” has led to a lot of turmoil, drama, misunderstanding, untrue assumptions and missed opportunities. So much could be solved if we simply opened up our mouths and asked simple questions. I can hear my mother clearly growing up and even now often saying, “Just ask. All they can do is say no”. So, just ask.

·         If you need help, just ask.
·         If you want to help, just ask.
·         If you want to know what a person really thinks of you, just ask.
·         If you want to know why a person acted or reacted the way they did, just ask.
·         If you want to know what you can do better, just ask.
·         If you want to know what you’re doing well, just ask.
·         If you want to know how a person is truly healing, dealing or feeling, just ask.
·         If you want to know why a relationship or association changed, just ask.
·         If you want to know if you are loved, liked, missed, thought of, prayed for, wanted or needed…or not, just ask.
·         If you want to know anything, rather than assume, withdraw, disconnect, or operate in  self-inflicted ignorance (and I mean ignorant as in void of facts) then, just ask.

Life would be so much easier if we were armed with the actual answers to our asks…not assumptions, random hypothesis, guesses or the likes, but the truth that comes from the boldness of opening up and asking.

Angela Scott Moore has sported many hats in her lifetime. Some were cute, some not by choice and others brought a little chaos. All in all, each hat has helped her become the woman she is today and hopes to be in the future.
Angela is an avid inspirational blogger at http://www.angelamooreblog.wordpress.com and also a philanthropic community supporter who has served with more than 25 local and national organizations over her nearly 20 year professional career. Currently, as a hobby, she operates the blossoming, full-service public relations venture Amazing Kreations, offering media and event planning assistance at low, or no cost to small organizations, ministries and businesses. She also hosts a Facebook page devoted to divorce called I’m More Than What Happened.
Taking lessons learned from each phase of her ever-evolving life, Angela’s now donning the hat of a single woman on a single mission to use spoken and written words to remind others that Life Gets Better and it’s possible to look and be their best in the process.


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