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One Man’s Opinion

Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.
Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.
Dr. Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

Should the President Have Been at the March in France ?
by Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

I really don’t think so, but I do think he should have sent a higher level representative like Kerry. The thing about marching is a lot of people march, but at the end of the day, that’s all they do. Unquestionably, the President has shown his commitment to France. He was in direct contact with the leaders in Paris every step of the way.
I also question how many people came to America world-wide. To my knowledge, one or two, but that does not mean they did not care. Had the President showed up in Paris that would have added another level of confusion from a security-aspect.
We all know that the Republican Party attempts in every way to discredit President Obama’s administration, making it an issue of his not going to Paris. Had he shown up they would have criticized him for starting a disturbance at the march.
Mostly everyone in America, who is interested in politics, is aware that Mitt Romney, the 46 percent man, has decided that he would run for President for the third time. The third time is not necessarily a charm, if you don’t believe me ask those people who have married for the third time. They wish they had stayed with the first one.
This time Mitt Romney will campaign on how to make poor people rich and will support increased  minimum wage and will campaign heavily in Hispanic and Black communities. Keep in mind, that Mitt Romney is the same person who played the race card when he spoke to the NAACP two years ago.
Here’s what he said at the convention:

1. I will repeal healthcare.
2. I will not support increasing the minimum wage.
3. I will cut all social programs by 50 percent, which includes food stamps.

He made these statements for the sole purpose of getting booed, so he could picked up votes from the extreme left of the voting population. He lost the election because of little or no votes from women, young voters, Blacks and Hispanics. Now he realizes that he cannot win without them.
What the Republicans plan to use as a platform in 2016 are scare tactics like they did to win the mid-term election in 2014 with Ebola. Republicans are sensing that a world seemingly spinning out of control could give them an opening to reclaim their traditional strength on national security issues heading into the 2016 presidential election. Even before terrorists killed 12 people in Paris, Republicans were fine-tuning an assault on President Obama’s foreign policy. They want to undermine the President’s proud claim of dismantling al Qaeda’s ‘core’ and put Democrats on the defensive – especially Hillary Clinton, who carried out the President’s foreign policy as his first-term Secretary of State.
This is an opportunity for Republicans to reclaim their vote advantage on national security.
“To most Americans, the world feels like a dangerous place right now. Six years into the Obama administration, it is difficult for President Obama to blame that on anybody but himself.”
The Republicans will use every scare tactic they possibly can to convince the American public that a woman, especially a Democratic woman, is not strong enough to defend this great country of ours.
There’s a strong possibility that these scare tactics can work. But like Ebola, as that threat faded away, the scare tactics will fade away also.


email: jjlewis@birminghamtimes.com


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