Home Business Business Birmingham Civil Rights Institute presents: The Women Gather

Birmingham Civil Rights Institute presents: The Women Gather


Birmingham Civil Rights Institute presents:

From Staff Report

The Women Gather: AnEvening of Poetry and MusicBIRMINGHAM, Ala. – On Thursday, March 26,2015 at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (BCRI) in the Rev. Abraham L. Woods, Jr. Community Meeting Room a beautiful and vast array of individuals cametogether to partake in “The Women Gather: An Evening of Poetry and Music” hosted by Priscilla Hancock-Cooper (the Interim President/CEO of the BCRI).  Where we were then enchanted by the jazzy soulful, smooth voice of Wafiyyah El-Amin in song, given an opportunity to experience the “Sankofa State of Mind” (presented by Evelyn Dilworth-Williams), given a lecture in “Niggerology 101” by electrifying Mimi Latoine, reminded to open our ears to really hear when someone asks you to “Pray for Me” by Shaunetka Curry to name a few. We witnessed an unforgettable dance performance to Darryl Duncan’s “18” by the Lockhart Dance Theatre and heard the passionate pleas, challenges and calls for action to remember BLACK LIVES MATTER.  Yes, indeed there was a talented group of women that gathered to pour of themselves freely to all who courageously heeded their call to gather at the BRCI to finally acknowledge that “Pink Elephant in the room by then name of Racism” and I thank them each individually for all that they shared.


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