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19-Year Old Black Biz Expert Gets Big Buy



Undercover Customer By Sherron Stevens

Bookcover and author, Sherron Stevens

Columbus, OH (BlackNews.com) — Earlier this year, while still just a freshmen in college, 19-year old Sherron A. Stevens released his first-ever book, entitled Undercover Customer: 100 Ways to Fix Your Broken Customer Service. This book provides 100 ways to deliver great customer service. Stevens, although a rookie in the industry, took his own front-line customer experiences from working at Chick-fil-a and put them into an easy-to-read guide.

The release of the book led to tons of publicity for Stevens, and even led to a major career opportunity for him. Stevens was recruited as a summer intern by Root Inc., an Ohio-based strategy execution consulting company, to work with the organization’s “Customers for Life” team. They were so impressed him and his book, that they have decided to buy more than 100 copies for each of their employees to have a personal copy.

“I am overwhelmed at the support of everyone around me including family, friends and co-workers. When you find a passion, EVERY single door will open. I never thought that Customer Service would be something I would be doing for the rest of my life,” Stevens.

Stevens, who has just completed his freshmen year of college, is working towards his Associates of Business degree from a local community college in Ohio. Upon completion, he is planning to transfer to Ohio University to get a Bachelor of Applied Human and Consumer Sciences (Customer Service).

He is a first generation college student who is letting nothing get in his way of success, and is hoping to take all of his experiences along with his college degree and start his own customer service consulting and training company. “I want to be an innovator in the Customer Service Business and connect people daily,” he says.

Here’s what others are saying about Undercover Customer:

“Sherron Stevens is passionate about everything he does including serving guests and working hard. He is always ready to laugh and brighten someones day.” — Karen Bolumen (Owner/Operator for Chick-fil-a)

“Customers and Service providers – young and old alike – will benefit from this book, and from this new author who surely will make great and welcome contributions to our world.” — Ron Kaufman (Author and Founder of UP! Your Service)


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