Home National NAACP Statement on Charges Against Officers in Freddie Gray’s Death

NAACP Statement on Charges Against Officers in Freddie Gray’s Death


NAACP Statement on Charges Against Officers in Freddie Gray’s Death

 BALTIMORE, Md. — Six Baltimore police officers face criminal charges ranging from assault to second-degree murder in the death of Freddie Gray, who died from injuries suffered in police custody. In light of this development, the NAACP has released the following statement:

From Cornell William Brooks, NAACP President and CEO:

 “The NAACP applauds Maryland State Attorney Marilyn Mosby for taking this bold and important first step toward justice for Freddie Gray, his family and the Sandtown-Winchester community. We are encouraged by today’s charges, but we know that this is just the beginning. The NAACP has been committed to the fight against racial profiling and police brutality throughout our 106 year history and with this indictment, we will continue our work both locally, statewide and nationally on criminal justice reform including passage of the End Racial Profiling legislation.
 We invoke the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers and so many others great practitioners of democracy and peace. We are grateful for the courage and tenacity of Freddie Gray’s family, whose quiet resolve is helping to shape a national movement for all of America’s children.”

From Gerald Stansbury, NAACP Maryland State Conference President:

 “The Maryland State conference of the NAACP is pleased that the justice system has moved swiftly to address the tragedy of Freddy Gray’s untimely and unnecessary demise. This is a step towards due process for the family of Freddie Gray and the community. We hope that the actions taken by the State Attorney Mosby and Baltimore officials serve as an example for other states and for other “Freddie Grays” around the country.”  

From Tessa Hill-Aston, Baltimore Branch NAACP President:

 “The Baltimore Branch of the NAACP are elated that State Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced that all six officers involved will be charged in the death of Mr. Freddie Gray. All eyes are on Baltimore right now and we see this as the first steps towards justice for Freddie Gray. The Baltimore branch will continue to work for the civil rights of all of Baltimore citizens and to find justice for the young African-American males who have suffered from police misconduct in Sandtown and throughout Baltimore—we will continue to work with Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blakely on securing body worn cameras for the Baltimore Police Department. We do all this as we continue to operate the NAACP Baltimore satellite office, serving community members at 1135 N. Gilmor Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.”


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