Home Local Entertainment GUESS WHAT? WOMEN WATCH PORN, TOO…




— Extraordinary New Book Explores Female Fascination with Porn, Cultural Attitudes Around this Topic, and What Women Can Do About It! —



Los Angeles, CA (BlackNews.com) — Author Dana Brown Smith has released a groundbreaking new book, Girls Watch Too! ($14.99, Exalted Publishing), which tackles a difficult subject in an honest and non-judgmental way so that any woman who watches pornography can break free of the compulsion it may have over them.

Far from a serious, clinical text, Girls Watch Too! uses a warm and conversational to address a variety of issues: the accessibility of porn; the business of porn; the emergence of porn in the workplace; the influence of sexually explicit materials on our pop culture; porn on cell phones, video games, and social networking sites; and more.

In the book, Dana Brown Smith draws upon her own personal journeys and experiences with porn to deliver powerful insights as well as compassionate guidance. Readers will learn:

* how familiarity breeds emulation when consuming pornography;
* the unintended and not-so-pleasant effects of pornography consumption on romantic relationships;
* how to identify and manage triggers that lead to porn consumption;
* ways to recognize and/or prevent porn consumption with teenagers;
* techniques for creating a climate of compassion for spouses struggling with porn; and
* methods for recognizing and overcoming a porn habit without judgment or condemnation.

“Many women think theyre alone when it comes to being fascinated with pornography, but theyre not,” notes Dana Smith Brown. “This book will help women from all walks of life deal with porn in a non-judgmental way and regain their belief in love, commitment, marriage, and family.”

Girls Watch Too! is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, bookstores across the county, and through wholesalers Ingram and Baker & Taylor. For more information about Girls Watch Too! or Dana Brown Smith, please visit www.danabrownsmith.com.

About Dana Brown Smith
Dana Brown Smith is a hands-on, advocate for freedom from fascination with pornography. Drawing on her own personal involvement with porn and her professional experience as an expert in investigating and responding to sexual harassment claims in the workplace, she brings an in-depth and well-rounded perspective to the conversation on the effect of pornography, especially as it relates to women. Dana speaks across the country on this topic and her book, Girls Watch Too! and has appeared on the Anderson Cooper show to share her story of pornography fascination and ultimate abstinence.



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