Home Opinion One Man’s Opinion by Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

One Man’s Opinion by Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.

Dr. Jesse Lewis, Sr. is the founder of The Birmingham Times.
By Jesse J. Lewis, Sr.
I was wrong about Donald Trump.  I stated in the beginning that Donald Trump was not going to run.  He has attempted for the last 12 years to run for President of the United States.  He has never qualified.  I also stated when he did qualify that he would last only three months.
We can all remember the dumb statements that Donald Trump has made.  Most of the people in the media business can remember when he criticized women, the news reporter he criticized, John McCain a national hero, called Carly Fiorina the ugliest woman in the world.  
Every time he made some of these dumb statements his ratings went up and people in the media said now he is gone.  The truth of the matter is the dumber his statements, the higher his ratings went up.
Everybody in the Democratic and Republican parties are afraid to criticize him because he fights back furiously and his ratings increases again.
In the event he wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, his test will come in South Carolina where the governor is not on his side.  The Senators are not on his side, either.  He would ‘almost’ be unstoppable.  In the event he does wins South Carolina, he would be unstoppable.
If he passes the Super Tuesday test that includes some Southern states, he definitely will be unstoppable.
I still believe that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee.  In the event the Blacks,  Hispanics and the women who would like to see a woman president in their lifetime, get out and vote, Hillary Clinton will win.
Then we will have a Democratic president in the White house.  If there is a mishap and Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic nominee for president, almost any Republican will beat him.
America is not ready for a socialist to be president of this country.  Count me in that number.
If you are a Republican running for anything in the southern states, all you have to say is I am a conservative and I am going to stand up to Barack Obama.
It’s said that anyone running for a Senate seat in Alabama does not have to say, ‘Here is my record for the last six years and what my agenda is for next six years.’
All they have to say is what Mo Brooks that served the House of Representatives said, ‘Barack Obama is a racist and the country is better off without him. 
If you say these things, ‘Barack is a racist.’  ‘I am a conservative and Barack Obama does not believe in the 4th Amendment.’  ‘Barack Obama is trying to take away our guns.’ ‘I will give you five guns.’  …You can win any seat in Alabama including the Governor’s seat…. if you make these dumb statements.
The Republican Party is well aware of the fact that they have divided up the State of Alabama and most of the southern states into segments that they know they can win.  This is called gerrymandering.
It could even be good for the Democratic Party if the Republicans had the House and Senate, and the President of the United States was Republican, at the same time.
The Republicans would have no one to blame for the downfall of the country if the Republicans were to win the White House.  I will guarantee that it will be another 50 years before the Republicans could win the Presidency.



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