Home Local Sharpe-Jefferson: One decision can catapult you to the next level

Sharpe-Jefferson: One decision can catapult you to the next level

By Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson

All it takes is one decision.

Just one decision could change everything, but taking action requires a different mindset altogether. So what will it take for you to finally press play?

Instead of making this process complicated, let’s jump right in and make it real plain.

If you can decide to do anything this year, why not make the decision to simply start?

In whatever area that applies to you, just move forward – one step at a time. Small steps count, too.

I know it’s not a deep and heavy sentiment. But often, that’s not what we need.

It’s in heeding those little reminders to do what we know to be true.

So I’m asking you to:

  • make the decision to start the exercise program. Don’t think about sweating it out for one hour seven days a week, but visualize your strongest 15-minute workout a few days a week
  • instead of dreading cleaning the whole house, begin to tidy up the toughest 1, 2 or 3 rooms
  • rather than mulling over the difficulty in getting an advanced degree while on-the-job full time, create a flexible schedule to study, work and spend time with friends and family and get it done.

I am taking painstaking steps to help you see that starting your goal is just as important, if not more important, than finishing it. 

Just do it. 

Begin. Or, begin again.

Put the process in motion.

And here’s another newsflash, it will take time to accomplish your goal.

And no – starting doesn’t even guarantee you’ll achieve your desired outcome. But at least it puts you in the game.

I’ll give you a personal example:

The COVID and quarantine along with my Netflix and chill routine with my husband didn’t help my fitness goals. In fact, it destroyed it. Add in there a freak accident which left me unable to use my right foot for nearly six weeks last summer.

My daily exercise routine, which involved walking my dog around the neighborhood, was thrown off kilter.

So although those circumstances produced a less than desirable outcome for me in 2020, I refused to take a loss leading into 2021.

Instead, I chose to view this as an opportunity because at the core of every decision we make is our mindset. And our minds can be pre-programmed for victory or defeat.

For instance:

  • I now view my quest to lose weight differently. I understand it’s a marathon stand not a sprint.
  • I choose to continually educate myself to help in making decisions for optimal overall health.
  • I’ve decided to gain wisdom on which foods and supplements my body responds to in a positive manner.
  • I look forward to learning new recipes as I cook more often for my family, rather than eating out at fast food restaurants.
  • And I make daily choices to enact exercises and actions which will yield great results in the future.

Understand again your change won’t come immediately. But as you keep applying pressure toward your goal, the results you seek will certainly manifest.

Stay in the fight and know that I’m cheering for you.

Sign up for Keisa’s Free, Online Group Coaching Program on Purpose: purpose.keisasharpe.com which will be held January 24 and 31. Keisa is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears on the first and third Thursdays of each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisa@keisasharpe.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.