Home Lifestyle Ray and Gertrude Lassiter proud parents

Ray and Gertrude Lassiter proud parents


The Lassiter Adult children and their  families

As I look back on my life, I can remember growing up in an environment that was a lot different from the one we live in now. Our neighborhoods were a lot safer and we enjoyed playing outside, going to school and going to church. We didn’t live in fear of drive-by shootings on the school playground or at the church. In today’s society, we often see innocent individuals robbed of their God-given life for no reason at all.
Looking at my family lineage, my grandmother instilled values into my mother who in turn instilled those same values into her 14 children. My mother was a small woman on the outside, but a giant on the inside. After becoming an adult, God blessed me with a wife who had been raised in a family with the same values.  As parents of three beautiful children, we have instilled those same values into them. Our first born is Anthony D. Lassiter and our daughters are Keona M. Lassiter Elliott and Eboni Lassiter, a student at Alabama A&M University.
Anthony has two wonderful children, Adam and Zoe. I have not seen a young man take control and be the kind of father like my son. He is a very hard working young man who loves God. Anthony also
cooks, cleans and washes. As his parents, we are very proud of him.
Keona is also a God-fearing young woman who we are proud to have as our daughter. She took charge  and stepped in to be a great big sister to Eboni. As an adult, she is a lovely wife and most of all, a beautiful mother. She has two daughters, Gabrielle and Aubrey.
We would like to take this time to honor our children for who they have become. We were recently
blessed to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham, Ala. We
celebrated the legacies of many of our forefathers who paved the way for us. We thank God for
enabling us to raise up good children who will be able to keep our legacy alive. We pray that their
children will be able to enjoy life.
Thank God for Anthony, Keona and Eboni who been our peace in a not so peaceful world. We
should keep God first in our lives. We should also give our children back to God because He is good and
He knows best.


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