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Tag: Glenn Ellis

Know the risks: When kids get colds and flu the best...

By Glenn Ellis The common cold season is here, and if you have children, you will likely feel their suffering from these annoying upper respiratory...

How Mental Health Issues Disproportionately Affect Minorities

By Glenn Ellis African Americans endure more intense and frequent mental and behavioral health issues than their counterparts, at least in part related to poverty...

When smokers kick the habit the benefits start right away

By Glenn Ellis Are you wondering why you’re still smoking cigarettes? Unless you enjoy the taste of more than 7,000 harmful chemicals entering your body...

Maximize the Office Visit: Be an Intelligent Patient

By Glenn Ellis As health-reform continues to take effect over the next several years (in one way or the other), millions of newly insured Americans...

Should Patients Take the Full Course of Antibiotics?

By Glenn Ellis A recent commentary published in the British Medical Journal reignited the debate on whether patients should stop antibiotics when they feel better...

Baby Boomers and Hepatitis C

By Glenn Ellis  Most of us have seen the commercials on television stating that people born from 1945 to 1965 have the highest rate of...

Glenn Ellis: Quality Health Care Problematic in U.S. prisons

By Glenn Ellis Healthcare is a huge issue for people in jail and prison. There are currently 2.4 million people in American prisons. This number has...

Are you at risk? Sepsis could affect hospital patients

By Glenn Ellis The number of people who suffer from a potentially life-threatening type of inflammatory syndrome that affects the entire body -- called sepsis...

Violence is a public health concern

By Glenn Ellis Violence among youths is a critical public health problem. Some of the documented reasons are the early onset of aggressive behavior in...