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Classifieds: November 10, 2016




Mass Recruiting Event


Practical Employee Solutions and Amigos Labor Solutions will be holding a mass recruiting event at Courtyard Birmingham Downtown at UAB, 1820 5th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233 on November 11th, 2016 from 10AM-4PM. The positions that are being offered are for seasonal work in unskilled labor positions. We have a number of different job opportunities including housekeeping, server, landscaping, and construction, as well as many other similar positions in states across the country. Come and meet with us at the Springhill Suites Birmingham on November 11th to discuss job opportunities, and to fill out a general application form.




Systems Analyst


Systems Analyst – SAP: Analysis, design, implement, optimize and enhance of networks in supply

chain planning. Perform process config, integration testing, and analysis. Analyze user requirement

using ewm technical, core abap, webdynpro abap, oo abap, adobe forms, workflow, core java, my sql

database, standard sap frameworks, jco (java connector), bo (reporting, security & administration),

bw, bo. use fspm sap qm, wm, sd, mm, is-retail scenarios, pos. Bachelors in Computers + 5 yrs exp.

Certified in SAP. Travel and relocation to various unanticipated locations in US. My Supply Chain

Group, Birmingham Alabama. Send resumes to: resume@mysupplychaingroup.com.






Mechanic/Tech (II & III) Openings!

Excellent Hourly Pay, Full Comprehensive Benefits,

Retirement Plan & MORE!

Many Opportunities for Advancement!

Call Penske Truck Leasing: 855-971-7417







Notice of Divorce Action


Timothy Dwayne Smith, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer Dakeila L. Fryer’s Complaint for Divorce and other relief by the 19th day of December, 2016, or, thereafter, a judgment by default may be rendered against him in Case No. DR-2016-900106, in the Circuit Court of Dale County, Alabama.



Delores Woodham

Circuit Court Clerk


James A. Jacobs (JAC082)

Attorney for the Plaintiff

Po Box 47

Ariton, AL 36311

(334) 762-2356






The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham will be accepting bids covering the installation of water mains and appurtenances connected thereto and 184 water services along 60th Street; Jerry D. Coleman Street (63rd Street) and Avenue D located in the City of Fairfield, Alabama. Plans and specifications may be examined and obtained in the office of the Manager – System Development at 3600 First Avenue, North. Bids must be received for public opening at 10:00 a.m. local time in said office.  A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. local time in the System Development Conference Room located on the Second Floor of the Main Campus Building located at the above-stated address. Bids will not be accepted from Contractors who do not attend the Pre-Bid Conference . Bids must be received for public opening on Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. local time in the System Development Conference Room located as stated above.




Legal Adoption 


I Melody Curtin, am adopting William Lee Fortiner. If anyone wants to contest do so within 30 days.






The Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority will receive sealed proposals for:


Design & Engineering Services for Ice Plant and Ice Floor Replacement


Request for proposal information, requirements, plans and specifications may be downloaded at www.bjcc.org (click Vendor Information – Open Bids section). There is no charge for downloading request for proposal documents. Documents may be obtained at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Purchasing Office, 2100 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N, North Exhibition Hall, 3rd Floor, Birmingham, AL 35203.


A Site Survey Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Arena Club of the Legacy Arena located at 2100 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N, Birmingham, AL 35203.  


Proposals must be received by Friday, January 6, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. in the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Purchasing office, 2100 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham, AL 35203.  


Questions should be emailed to Jerry.Nelms@bjcc.org. Telephone inquiries are not accepted.



Sharon Proctor

Purchasing Coordinator

Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority






NOTICE TO PROPOSERS – The Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA) is soliciting proposals from qualified businesses (Respondents) to provide NAMING RIGHTS for INTERMODAL FACILITY and/or IN-TOWN PARTNERSHIP. The document is available for download on the BJCTA’s website, www.bjcta.org under “Business with Max” – Solicitations.




The Water Works Board Of The City of Birmingham



Project Number:  P.01583

Capital Budget Number:  BP-638-15


Sealed Bids for the construction of the Carson Loop Phase #8-D will be received by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham Engineering Department, Attn: E. B. Sorrell, Jr. P.E.; Chief Engineer, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35222 until 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, December 1, 2016, at which time they will be opened and read.  Bids received after said time will be rejected and returned unopened.


The Work consists of, but is not limited to: Install necessary erosion control measures; clearing for construction limits; excavate the trenches and pits to the required dimensions; construct and maintain all traffic control measures where needed; sheet, brace and support the adjoining ground where necessary; handle all drainage and/or ground water; guard the site; unload, load, haul, distribute, and install approximately 1275 feet of 36” Flex Ring ductile iron pipe and associated fittings, backfill the trench with crush stone and flowable concrete fill and pits; restore the roadway surface if needed; remove surplus excavated material; clean the site of the work; forming and pouring of a concrete valve vault; install all associated valves, piping, fittings, and miscellaneous parts shown to be part of the vault; test the completed pipeline for pressure and leakage requirements.  Any other associated items as necessary to complete the work.


Bids shall be based on a lump sum plus additional unit price items as indicated in the Bid Form.


Bidding Documents may be examined at the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority, 601 37th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35222 and the office of the Chief Engineer of The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35222.


Prime Contractor bidders may obtain one complete set of Bidding Documents from the office of the Chief Engineer of The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham upon payment of $150.00 deposit by company check or by certified check, and signing a nondisclosure statement. No personal checks or any other form of payment except as noted will be accepted. This deposit shall be refunded in full to each prime contractor bidder upon the return of the Bidding Documents in a reusable condition within 10 days after the bid opening. Additional sets of Bidding Documents for prime contractor bidders, subcontractors, vendors or dealers may be obtained upon payment of said $150.00 deposit, and signing a nondisclosure statement. This deposit shall be refunded less the costs of printing, reproduction, handling, and distribution, upon return of the documents in reusable condition within 10 days after the bid opening. Company check or Certified check for documents shall be made payable to The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama, 35222 and mailed to the Attn: E. B. Sorrell, Jr. P.E.; Chief Engineer.  No additional charge will be made for delivery via UPS ground. Those requesting shipment of documents via carriers other than UPS ground will be made at the requesting firm’s expense. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available to any Bidder. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources. No Bidder may withdraw or alter a bid within 60 calendar days after the actual date of the bid opening.


A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 9:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at The Birmingham Water Works Board, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama in the Engineering Conference Room. All prospective Bidders and interested parties are required to attend the pre-bid conference. The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to raise questions pertaining to the Bidding and Contract documents and for the OWNER or its representatives to clarify any points.  All Contractors shall complete and submit HUB Bid Solicitation Notice (HUB Form 3) no later than seven (7) days after the scheduled date of the pre-bid conference. This form may be submitted in person at the pre-bid conference. Bids will NOT BE ACCEPTED from any Prospective Bidder who does not attend the mandatory Pre-Bid Conference.


Each Prospective Bidder is required to visit the site(s) at which the Work is to be performed. The OWNER will not conduct a site visit with the Prospective Bidders.


Each bid shall be accompanied by a cashier’s check, drawn on an Alabama Bank, or bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid not to exceed $10,000.00 in the form and subject to conditions provided for in the Specifications.


The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the Contract Award.


Bidders shall comply with all statutory requirements in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids will only be received from Contractors who are licensed by the State of Alabama.


Contract time of commencement and completion will be in accordance with the Agreement.


The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”) has adopted a voluntary Historically Underutilized Business (“HUB”) Program designed to encourage the participation of HUB firms in construction projects. To that end, the BWWB will never exclude any firm from participation in, deny any person benefits of, or otherwise discriminate in connection with the award and performance of BWWB contracts based on racial, gender, social, or economic status.


It is the intent of the BWWB to foster competition among contractors, suppliers and vendors that will result in better quality and more economical services for the BWWB. Under this program, the BWWB has established a goal of 30% participation of HUB firms for services required for BWWB construction projects. The BWWB’s stated goal will not be the determining factor in construction contract awards; rather bidders must demonstrate compliance with the Good Faith Efforts, more particularly outlined in the HUB Program, toward meeting said goal.


Failure on the part of a bidder to fully submit the information required herein may be considered by the BWWB in evaluating whether the bidder is responsive to bid requirements.


Alabama Code §31-13-9 (1975) provides that as a condition for the award of any contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham,  a business entity or employer that employs one or more employees within the state of Alabama shall provide documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program.

Each Prospective Bidder must complete, as a condition for the award of any Contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, the Certification Regarding Debarment in Section 00201. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).


Legislature of Alabama Act 2013-205 grants the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) the authority to issue certificates of exemption from sales and use taxes for construction projects for certain governmental agencies. Pursuant to Act 2013-205, Section 1(g) the Contractor accounts for the sales tax not included in the Bid Form by submitting an Accounting of Sales Tax-Attachment to BWWB Bid Form. Failure to provide an accounting of sales tax shall render the bid non-responsive. Other than determining responsiveness, sales tax accounting shall not affect the bid pricing nor be considered in the determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. After Notice of Award, Contractor and Subcontractor licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must comply with ADOR requirements for making application for qualification of the exemption and are responsible for ADOR reporting requirements for the duration of the project.


If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, who has neither been disqualified nor rejected pursuant to these Contract Documents, and whose Bid based on an evaluation by the OWNER indicates that the award will be in the best interest of the Project and will result in the lowest overall cost to the OWNER for completion of the project. If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded within 30 calendar days after the day of the opening of bids.


The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, the right to waive irregularities or to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the OWNER.



The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham

3600 First Avenue North

Birmingham, Alabama 35222


Owner’s Engineer:

The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham

Engineering Department

3600 First Avenue North

Birmingham, Alabama 35222


Owner’s Project Manager:

Primary Contact:

Mr. Jonathan Wilson

Engineer II

Telephone number: (205) 244-4213

Facsimile number:  (205) 244-4713

Cellular number: (205) 617-4209

Email: jonathan.wilson@bwwb.org


Secondary Contact:

  1. B. Sorrell, Jr., P.E., P.L.S., SECB

Chief Engineer

Telephone number: (205) 244-4183

Facsimile number:  (205) 244-4683





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