Home Local Cash For Crooks

Cash For Crooks


Cash Paul DeWolf
Cash For Crooks, Div., of Refuge In (RITT) Trouble Times Community Development, Inc. PO Box 28083, Birmingham, AL  35228-0001 seeks your help in solving the death of a Michigan University medical student, Paul DeWolf, age 24. He was found July 24 in his apartment when he did not show up for work.  Ann  Arbor, Michigan police has posted a $5,000 reward for information in this case. Please call 734-794-6939, 205-254-7777 or e-mail TIPS@a2gov.org.
We work daily in publishing these cases in hopes that you, our readers, will see if you have seen, heard or remember anything that will help solve these cases.  Please do not call with NICK NAMES but give the correct name.  Help us take these and other homicides out of the cold case files, giving their loved ones closure.  RITT and its members, along with the communities are dilegently working with all Law enforcers to help you, will you help them?  Remember it ain’t snitching when we report a killing. It could be your loved ones next. Thank you so much.  If you wish to see a cold case here, please write to odussasplace@yahoo.com or call Minister Brenda Paige Ward, executor of RITT at 205-240-9910. We will do our best to assist you.


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