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A Quest to Know Jesus

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

The Cross of Jesus has no doubt lacked proper teaching, because many Christians have diligently worked in order to please God, they thought or worked to become a better and stronger Christian. This was because of the lack of knowledge of the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, sickness, and diseases, which, completes the WORK Jesus did for you and me. It was the greatest display of the love of God that can ever be. The work was complete in the bloody body of Jesus that hung on that cross centuries ago, and that BLOODY BODY was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53 depicts the horrible sight that hung in mid air on Calvary’s Hill – known as the skull – that glorious day, whereby the sun hid her face and the graves were open and displayed her buried bodies, the earth trembled and the rocks rented; the temple displayed her horrified scene. The priests – who were Jesus’ strongest enemies – fell in the temple with horrible expressions on their faces. Oh! What a day that was.  Do you see the picture?
It is all about having FAITH in the CROSS OF JESUS who did it all for you, and what He asks of the believer, that is those who believes in Jesus, to do as Jesus clearly said in Luke 9:23, and that is to live  according to the requirements of discipleship. It is not about asceticism, as many think, but rather a continuing denying self of its strength  – look exclusively to what Jesus did on the cross. Renew your faith in what Christ has done for you.  The work of your enemy is to move your faith from looking to the cross – where it should be – to doing works.
Let your concentration be on reading, studying, and meditating in the Word of God, as well as by being faithful to Bible study classes. Listen to sermons on the Bible. Understanding what Jesus asked you to do. Now your work is dying to self, and helping others, because it is the Christian thing to do.


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