Home Opinion Senate Sketches

Senate Sketches


hank_sandersby Senator Hank Sanders
Challenges came at me from all directions. Just sharing one such challenge in detail this week does not bear witness sufficiently. I want to share multiple challenges I faced this week so you can see what it is like to face challenges from all directions.

Challenge # 1 –Things were so hectic the previous week that I did not get the opportunity to write Sketches until Monday night, Dr. King’s birthday  holiday.  I usually have a first draft typed on Friday so I can review it over the weekend.  Even though I was writing Sketches late Monday night, I still had to complete it by the Tuesday, noon deadline with all the other things I had to do.  It was crazy, but I met the challenge.
Challenge # 2 – I was the keynote speaker for the King Celebration in Grove Hill, some 75 miles from Selma.  I had also agreed to bring greetings at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Breakfast in Selma.  The challenge was to get away from the Unity Breakfast in time to make it to the Grove Hill speaking engagement without adverse consequences.  People don’t say anything if I don’t come to an event, but they judge me if I leave early.  I met the challenge.
Challenge # 3 – I had a 7:30 a.m. breakfast meeting in Selma.  I still had to go by my Selma office to handle various matters and then travel 55 miles to Montgomery for a dental appointment at 9:30 a.m. and other meetings beginning at 10:45 a.m.  I was snagged toothed from my trip to Turkey the previous week.  I made each event on time, meeting the challenges.
Challenge # 4 – Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh is sponsoring an ethics bill which I consider more cosmetic than substance.  I had a substitute ethics bill that would close every loophole.  While the Senate was in session, there was a meeting with Pro Tem Marsh, both the executive director and general counsel of the Ethics Commission, the Senate Minority Leader and others.  Some of them were trying to get me to take certain things out of my proposed amendment.  I did not agree.  I met the challenge.
Challenge # 5- Senator Jimmy Holley is sponsoring two bills that will consolidate control over a number of legislative entities including the Legislative Fiscal Office, the Legislative Reference Service and the Legislative Council.  No one could provide a reasonable explanation for these drastic changes. I am convinced that this move will compromise the integrity of these legislative institutions and therefore the Alabama Legislature. I engaged in extended debate, better known as filibustering. I was clotured (cut off of debate) twice and the bad bills passed anyway. I met the challenge of struggle but not the challenge of victory.
 Challenge # 6 – There is a proposal before the U. S. Congress to revive certain provisions in the Voting Rights Act that were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.  The proposal is weak and does not cover Alabama and most other states with long histories of voting rights denial. I have to decide whether to support, oppose or try to change this anemic proposal as it travels through Congress. I had a conference call and read the Congressional bill and documents. I met the challenge.
Challenge # 7 – I had an important SOS conference call at high noon on Thursday and a Legislative Black Caucus lunch at the same time, where I was scheduled to make a presentation on the voting rights proposal. The challenge was to do both in the same time frame?  I resolved to participate in the conference call until the lunch meeting commenced. I grabbed some food and placed a chair in the hall. I ate as I participated in the conference call keeping a sharp lookout for the lunch meeting. The House of Representatives did not break for lunch so the meeting did not take place and I could not make a presentation.  The challenge was met by the change of circumstances.
Challenge # 8 – The Senate session resumed at 1 p.m.  However, I had a conference call at the same time with a federal judge and other key leaders in the Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation. I also had to vote several times on amendments to an important bill. I went into the Senate Caucus Room which is right back of the Senate Chambers.  I would put the phone on mute, run out to vote and return to the Caucus Room.  I did this several times, just making it each time as my name was called to vote.
Challenge # 9 – This Thursday was the 44th Anniversary of our marriage. In spite of all I had to do, I still celebrated the occasion. I skipped my usual early morning two mile walk to spend time with my dear wife of 44 years.  I went to the office and worked until 8:15 a.m.  I rushed to the radio station to participate on the Faya’s Fire radio program because Faya wanted to discuss our marriage on the air as an example to others. I also handled other matters and still made it to Montgomery in time for the 10 a.m. Senate Session. I was prepared to leave the Senate session early to spend a little more time with Faya on this anniversary but the Senate adjourned early. I rushed back to Selma to get a small gift and spend some time but Faya was stretched out.  She also had to keep five grandchildren on our Marriage Anniversary so an evening event was out of the question. I worked until 11:30 p.m.
These are just a few of the challenges I faced this week. I tried to meet each challenge.

EPILOGUE – The old folk had a saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”  People often tell me that they do not see how I do all that I do. In jest I say, “When we are crazy, we do not know our limitations so we keep exceeding them.” I understand that in every joke, there is a little truth.


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