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Mayor Woodfin Announces Family Fun Center for West Birmingham



A new city-owned family fun center with a skating rink, jump park, e-sports center, bowling alley and food court is being planned for the CrossPlex property in West Birmingham, Mayor Randall Woodfin announced on Tuesday.

The target date to open is sometime in 2024.

“I am thrilled to honor our West Birmingham residents by bringing this into their community,” said Woodfin. “The concept of sports and entertainment options under one roof will be a game changer for our families, our children, and our visitors. I envision this being a major hub for family fun and plan to make sure it is a state-of-the-art facility because our community deserves it.”

Discussions on the 20,000-square-foot facility began more than six months ago. Pre-construction has been supported by $2 million available for CrossPlex redevelopment through the refinancing of commercial development bonds approved by the Birmingham City Council in September 2020.

“The fairground park area has historically been the convening space for the westside, and what better way to honor its original purpose and accomplish those goals,” said Cornell Wesley, director of the Department of Innovation and Economic Opportunity (IEO).

Woodfin unveiled to concept to West Birmingham neighborhood leadership and District 8 councilor Carol Clarke earlier this week to gain their interest and support.

“I’m excited. The city’s commitment to do this gives me hope that this is going to happen,” Bush Hills Neighborhood President Walladean Streeter said. “This can bring great opportunities for all the generations of our community.”

“This will attract the family features we have been requesting,” Belview Heights Neighborhood President Johnny Gunn said.  “It brings all ages together. This can be a rebirth to bring people back to our community for family entertainment.”

Woodfin has commissioned IEO to expedite this project’s timeline.