Home People Profile Bham People Induction Into Membership Ceremony for First Lady Rhonda Lewis

Induction Into Membership Ceremony for First Lady Rhonda Lewis


Minister Wives Induction 285    The Alabama Association of International Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows was privileged on Sunday, September 22, to accept an invitation to the Bethel Baptist Church, where the Rev. Dr. Tommy Lewis serves as Pastor. We not only accepted an invitation to worship with the Bethel Nation as the congregation is so affectionately called, but also to give special tribute to First Lady Rhonda Lewis.
A warm welcome and a special time was set aside in the Morning Worship service for the expressed purpose of honoring and inducting First Lady Rhonda Lewis into the membership of the Alabama Association of International Ministers Wives’ and Ministers’ Widows, Inc. – Interdenominational. President Dorothy McAdory led the special ceremony for induction into the sisterhood where First Lady Lewis was surrounded by members of the Alabama Association and their chapter of special greeters for their organization. During the ceremonial services, First Lady Lewis was draped with the royal cloth, given her Certificate of Membership and finally red roses to seal the joy felt by the Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows upon her induction of membership into such an awesome organization of love for the sisterhood. A beautiful fellowship reception was held in honor of First Lady Lewis following the services.
The 73rd Convention of The International Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows was held June 21-28, 2013, Milwaukee, Wisconsin where the Alabama Association received her Charter Membership. The dream for such an organization was initially planted n the heart and mind of Dr. Elizabeth Coles Bouey. The first conference was held at the Second Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia on April 8, 1941. Today, the organizations’ constituency exceeds 43,000 and consists of 103 denominations, with chapters in 41 of the United States, the District of Columbia, and 18 nationals of five of the seven continents. Headquarters for the organization is located at 609 South Davis Avenue in Richmond, Virginia.
The vision and purposes of this organization then, and now, seven decades later continues to be:
•    To prepare ministers’ wives and widows for more effective service in Kingdom building
•    To unite ministers’ wives and ministers’ widows of various Christian denominations into one Christian fellowship.
•    To sponsor an annual conference that provides information, inspiration and problem solving skill development.
•    To cultivate international good will, develop strong interpersonal relationships and foster a more effective communication network.
•    To promote cultural exchange with ministers’ wives and around the world.
•    To function as a Christian nonprofit Corporation and implement the Christian and charitable purposes of the Corporation.

Dr. Beverly Glover of Macon, Ga. serves as the eighth international president of this 73 year old convention. First Lady Dorothy McAdory, a native of Birmingham, Alabama serves as the first president of the Alabama Chartered Association.


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