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Dr. Wilkerson
Dr. Wilkerson
Dr. Wilkerson

Lent has been known as an observance of the Catholic Church and a few Protestant churches for many years. Today, it is growing in popularity among Baptists and many other groups, though they avoid the use of the traditional terminology of liturgical churches.
Lent is a season of forty days before Easter, not counting Sundays. Lent has been observed by Christians at least from the early second century. The word, “Lent” is from the Anglo-Saxon “Lencten,” meaning spring. For hundreds of years, it has been observed as a period for the deepening of the devotional life of faithful Christians by looking forward to the joyous triumph of Easter, the victory of spirit over matter, of life over death, and of God’s creating and renewing love over the worst that human cruelty and blindness can do.
In the church, Lent has been observed by preaching and worship which are centered in the life, teaching, and sacrificial death of Christ. The importance of Lent to the church is evidenced by special noonday services, prayer meetings, and studies. Individual Lenten practices are biblically based and consist of participation in church worship services (Matthew 18:30), self-examination (2 Corinthians 13:5), prayer and reflection (Matthew 6:6), fasting (Matthew 9:15), the study of the scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15), and the doing of good deeds and charitable giving (Matthew 6:1). If we will do these things, we will be blessed and we will gain a closer walk with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Lenten observances have been sustained by churches over many centuries of time in order to develop true disciples and not merely superficial believers. For the individual desiring a closer walk with God, Lent and its practices offer an opportunity for repentance and renewal that can be very rewarding. What are you doing for Lent?

Dr. Robert Wilkerson is a minister, writer, and founder of People for the Christian Way, an organization whose mission is to encourage all people to practice Christian principles in business, politics, and every area of life. drbobwilkerson@bellsouth.net, www.peopleforthechristianway.com


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