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Where is Your Greatness? (Part 2)


Electra Adams   In today’s church world the buzz phrase is “discovering who you are and your purpose here on earth.” The intensity  of this statement alone says that there are expectations of the life of every individual. Roman’s 8:19…For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. (22)…For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.  Some have declared that the world has gone crazy. Has the world gone crazy or is it exemplifying a void? What we are witnessing in the world, however it is defined, is not an issue of insanity, but a void of godly morals, values and guidance. There is such a void of mature, loving people who know their purpose in life, and who manifest this purpose gracefully. There are hundreds, and perhaps, thousands of churches in America. God has designed the local assembly as a type of base, inasmuch as we are a type of extension from a greater body throughout the world. We are born again into a family of believers. As we mature and develop into our Father’s character, at some point we should all look like Him in the Spirit! The scripture says that it does not yet appear what we should be, but when He does appear, we shall be just like Him. The Father Himself is a Great God.  We should all be known as His by the Holy Spirit dwelling within.
There is so much that could  be said about the church and what appears to be a severely dysfunctional entity; nevertheless, our focus today is on the growth and development of every member in particular. I believe every member is given gifts, callings and graces  to become a blessing to some, somebody’s opened door or somebody’s miracle. We cannot afford to walk in darkness, or ignorance of ourselves, or, The One Who Sent Us. How great is the Light in you?  If we say we have fellowship with Him and we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But, if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin (1 Jn 1:6-7).
People who are truly changed and converted grieve at their sin, because our inward man (the Holy Spirit) hates sin. Those who love Him prefer the Light of Jesus Christ. They desire to walk in integrity and righteousness, that they do not put Him to death daily. Anyone who is habitually and unrepentantly living in sin, who deny that they are sinners (I Jn 1:8-10) are not genuinely converted. No one who keeps on sinning has either seen Him or known Him. (I John 3:5)
Let us seek to know Him, The God of the pages; in doing so, we position ourselves to know one another according to the Spirit!
Until another day!
electra.gethsemaneministries@yahoo.com.  1024 Ethel Ln (35235) Off US-11


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