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From the Horn of the Unicorn


Rachel RoyalKJV, Psalm 92:10 reads, “But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil.”

Interpretation: Israelites must return to Ethiopia: Israel shall be restored to its normal state and be free from corruption.


Ex. 20:13 reads, “You shall not kill.”


African men, European, American, and Asian militaries are tearing our nation apart through their wars to gain possession over our land and resources. These military tactics used by these nations are causing a major division within our nation and separating our countries into opposing sides. They have formed borders setting us apart into different countries to cause us to lack the support of our entire nation, in efforts to bring us under the control of their governments. Europe, Asia, and America are using these systems of hostile conflict to devastate our social and economic structure causing mass destruction to our land, countless deaths, a great dimension of impoverishment, and a large scale intense famine.
African men, it is your duty to reject the laws of Europe, America, and Asia for the achievement of Africa’s independence. It is your duty to prohibit the operation of foreign governments in our land. Your government must take full possession over our legislation to free us from the political and economical control of other nations. Comply with the terms of Emperor Haile Selassie I’s Constitution and overturn foreign policies. Become a self-governing nation and overcome the influences of foreign legislations. Their customs cause us to be subjected to their laws which hinder us from developing politically, economically, socially, and spiritually on our own. Allowing these foreign nations to run our government has given them the power to determine the fate and outcome of our nation and people. Where we see clearly by their action how they divided and conquered our land.
Change the state of our condition and begin taking action to conduct relations with all of our countries to build up trade and make treaties. Close down all foreign factories through our land and set up our own industries. Our nation has enough resources and manpower for us to be a financially self-sufficient nation. Our land is our main source for our development and it is essential that we utilize it for the advancement of our nation. The invasion of foreign industries has suppressed our growth and deprived our people of their land and resources. Provide our nation with protection and set up military bases around our borders to indicate a fixed boundary. We cannot ignore the attacks from these nations. You must use your military forces to drive attackers away from our land. Functioning in this manner will serve the interest of our common welfare. It will protect and maintain our development, production, and distribution which is necessary for supplying the needs of our entire nation. Cultivating our land and producing and protecting our resources are essential for our existence.
African men, form one unified government and obtain full possession over your military. Make declarations between all of our countries for peace to end the civil wars between us, and form an alliance to defend each country during foreign invasion. Joining your militaries together will make a stronger line of defense, making you greater in size to perform at an extreme measure of force to stop our countries from being colonized. Eliminating the possibilities of being besieged by restricting access to all foreign armies also lessens the chance of infiltration. We can only be liberated by defending ourselves. We have the ability, with the support of our entire nation, to bring back our Sovereignty and recover from the destruction of colonial powers.

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