Home Lifestyle Put On Your Lip Gloss, Your High Heels and Keep It Moving

Put On Your Lip Gloss, Your High Heels and Keep It Moving

Angela Moore
Angela Moore

Angela Moore_2

By Angela Moore

Recently I was having a conversation with a friend attempting to encourage her as she travels down a road I’m unfortunately familiar. We sent multiple text messages, then talked and finally the right words came to me as I tried to assure her that one day, these days would provide her with some of the best laughter of her life. In the battles she’s fighting the flesh would easily tell her to fight back, literally. With the stuggles she was enduring the enemy would cunningly try to convince her to be consumed with her circumstances. With the pain she’s experiencing her own mind would try to talk her into what her spirit knows isn’t the way to make it out of a challenge better than before. I tried being very transparent with her about some of the ungodly ways I wanted to handle some of my own past troubles (thank God for Jesus I didn’t). Then I remembered words my Mama told me several years ago. She said, “Put on your lip gloss, your high heels and keep it moving.” I did. I did. And I did.
Ladies, no matter what the matter may be there’s a destination ahead that’s being made ready for you. Health challenges, financial obstacles, relationship problems, family matters, self-esteem struggles, career roadblocks, spiritual battles and the likes pale in comparison to who God says you are. You are: Unique. Covered. Chosen. Favored. Blessed. Beautiful. Protected. Guided. Assured. Necessary. Wonderful. Loved. Appreciated. Admired. Prosperous. Healed. Fathered.
God has BIG plans for you, girl! When you make it to where you’re on your way to, make sure you are your best from head to toe and everything in-between and from within. I don’t care what the troubles of this world may be trying to tell you, YOU, my sister are God’s special joy and He will make sure no one, or no thing takes away the glory He gets from, and gives through you. So, in the words of my Mama, “Put on your lip gloss, your high heels and keep it moving.”

Angela Scott Moore has sported many hats in her lifetime. She’s a former broadcast anchor/reporter/producer, a trained motivational speaker, fundraiser and marketing/PR expert. She spent nine years as a pastor’s wife working in full-time ministry before than union ended in divorce. A majority of her time in ministry was spent empowering women and girls. She’s an avid inspirational blogger and also a philanthropic community supporter who has served with more than 25 local and national organizations over her 15+ year professional career. Currently she’s working in the fields of Social Justice and Human Resources and operates the blossoming, full-service events planning venture Amazing Kreations with her business partner, offering media and event planning assistance at low or no cost to small organizations and businesses. Taking lessons learned from each phase of her ever-evolving life, Angela’s now donning the hat of a single woman on a single mission to use spoken and written words to motivate others to “thrive while they survive.”
Contact Angela Scott Moore about speaking engagements at amazingkreations2@gmail.com, follow her blog at www.angelamooreblog.wordpress.com, on twitter at @AngelaMMoore316 or check out her facebook page for people experiencing separation or divorce at I’m More Than What Happened.  


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