Home Lifestyle Health Keeping an Eye on Safety

Keeping an Eye on Safety


By Samuetta Hill Drew

Samuetta Drew This is the second week in a row that a close personal friend living in a neighborhood considered to be affluent has experienced a break-in, this time it was both their home as well as one of their personal vehicles. So let’s continue our conversation about ways we can practice “safety fitness” in 2015 and make additional strides to protect our personal space and belongings from thieves who want to profit from the hard work of honest citizens.

Monitor the Items Left Visible in Your Car:  The average American lives a very busy daily lifestyle. It becomes even busier when young children are a part of it. Our cars become a second home where we house food, clothing and entertainment. We keep snack food and drinks, clothing for dance practice, gymnastic and/or sporting events as well as the electronic items to entertain our children in the car when we are in the “dropping off and picking up” phase of the day. Many items often become “low hanging fruit” for potential thieves to break in and steal, especially the electronic items. Make sure before leaving your car unattended you store all items of value out of sight in a safe, secure area of your car.

Make Sure You have an Insurance Rider:  Many individuals purchase items of value which exceed the terms of their homeowners or renters insurance policy. A policy most homeowners and renters have not read in years. Make sure if you have purchased items such as furs, jewelry, etc., which exceed the dollar amount of your homeowners/renters insurance policy, that you contact your insurance agent and update your policy with the proper riders. You want to make sure if an intruder steals your personal belongings, either from your car or home, that you are protected and can receive the proper dollar amount to replace these items.

Take Photographs:  Make sure you take photographs of each room in your home from different angles. Also take pictures of all items included in your policy rider along with other items of value such as car(s), crystal, valuable antiques, pictures, etc. Keep these photographs in a safe fireproof area like a home safe or safety deposit box. You may want to give a copy, either hard or electronic, to your insurance agent.

Serial Numbers: It is very important to have a list of the serial numbers for all your electronics, cars, etc. in case of a home or car invasion and these items are stolen. This information is critical to the police in their search and recovery efforts of your stolen items.

It saddens me to make the recommendations above but, we must be prepared in the event of an intruder. We want to continue to take proactive measures to prevent these types of incidents but, we also want to be prepared. This way we are always Keeping an Eye on Safety.


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