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The Perfect Man!


Electra AdamsHappy New Year! Wow! New mercies! A fresh start! A second chance, maybe a third chance to change some things!
Did you ever stop to think that everything we will ever acquire of God is linked or dependent upon our fellowship among one another; joint to joint.
So, I thought to share some points that seriously blessed my soul recently. I attended a class in College Park, Georgia a few days ago. We discussed seven of 21 deadly elements of conversations.

Let’s take a look:
Gossip – spreading information that is not complete or has elements of a lie with the intent to hurt, destroy or cause others to ostracize another, information offered for character assassination;
Judging – passing a sentence or declaring the measure of penalty or punishment;
Negativity – always seeing the dark side of a matter; unable to discern positive about anything;
Complaining – finding fault in everything. Nothing ever satisfies, never a state of contentment;
Excuses – ways of getting out of doing what is expected. Even a fact can be nothing less than an excuse;
Lying – a liar is very vindictive. It is difficult to offer truth without a hidden agenda. What the person doesn’t know, he fabricates. Exaggeration is a serious form of lying;
Dogmatism – arrogant assertion of opinions as a truth.

These seven spirits not only destroy the victims but they set off hell’s fire for the victimizers. The tongue is an unruly evil and has destroyed the best of friends and relationships.

Proverbs 6:16-19These six things does the Lord hate: yea seven are an abomination unto Him: …a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among the brethren.
We must learn to hate what God hates and avoid those things as what they are, a plague. These seven guys are worse than any virus, even ebola. As we get off to a new year, remember it only takes one person to start a movement. As believers, we are empowered to create an atmosphere. What kind do you plan to create this year? Until we meet again, Godspeed!


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