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Former Mayor of Birmingham Larry Langford


It’s Time to Do Something in Support of Larry Langford’s Release
By: LeNa` Powe

Five years ago, former Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford began serving a 15-year prison sentence after being convicted in federal court for relationships and transactions that took place during his time on the Jefferson County Commission. Langford’s co-conspirators in the case, Bill Blount and Al LaPierre, have been released from prison and have seemingly resumed their lives. However, despite being a senior citizen, Langford is not scheduled to be released until the year 2023.
Langford is arguably one of the most recognizable figures in Alabama politics, which unfortunately for him, was perhaps his downfall. Regardless of the facts of the case and conviction, 15-years is a sentence that most murderers do not receive and in Langford’s case, acts as a life sentence. Despite the warden’s recognition and recommendation for a compassionate release in 2013 as a result of Langford’s deteriorating health, he remains in prison.
Larry Langford’s contributions to the City of Birmingham and surrounding communities continues to be a largely debated topic, but few can deny that many of his ideas and his vision for the Birmingham region have helped the area achieve some great things. From college scholarships to new schools throughout Jefferson County and a host of other contributions, it is for these and other reasons that citizens should support his release.
Regardless of political views, now is the time for area citizens to show compassion and forgiveness to someone who served them the majority of his life. I must admit that I have a selfish interest in requesting support to petition for his release. Larry Langford is my uncle. Although we are able to speak frequently, the years since his incarceration have been difficult.
My uncle has been my protector all of my life. It is almost unbearable for me when he calls on days when his throat is too weak to be able to say more than a few words, or when an infection is plaguing his body and he cannot speak without a stutter. These, along with other issues, have been the new reality for my family. There are times when politics becomes personal, and for me that has been most of my life. Now is the time for it to become personal for everyone who reads this article. Please have compassion in your heart for someone who never willingly or knowingly contributed to anything that was meant to hurt the people he served. Mistakes should never be the measure of a person’s legacy, particularly when their successes greatly outnumber whatever those mistakes are believed to be.
In closing, my uncle will not be able to see his grandson graduate from Ramsay High School this May. He will not be able to give me away at my wedding this summer or have that father-daughter dance we practiced when I was younger. He has missed valuable time with my grandparents, who are in their nineties and my mom, cousins and other family members. Most importantly my aunt, who is the most devoted wife and strongest woman that I know has to listen to the love of her life suffer. He and all of the people who love him have been punished enough. At his age and in his condition life will not be easy anywhere, but I pray that President Barack Obama, federal and state legislators, and local officials will support his release through a commuted sentence so that he can live the remainder of his days with his family.
A commutation of sentence is not a pardon, Langford would still have a criminal record and be unable to vote. The commutation would not erase the conviction, but instead would acknowledge his frail health and the fact that he has served a significant amount of his sentence.
What Can You Do?
Please write or contact your congressman and other elected officials including President Barack Obama.

Outcast Voters League Speaks Out
Thank You Team Red!!
Please Mr. President, Free Larry Langford, Now!

THANK YOU TEAM RED!! I’m so very proud of everyone!! You have sacrificed your energy and time in showing the world that Larry P. Langford should be set FREE. I have and always will believe in each and every one of you.

We have all worked so hard in gaining the attention of President Barack Obama during his visits to Alabama. Well, we got his attention! Everyone wore their red t-shirts, shouted “Free Larry” and waved those big red banners high in the air. Most importantly, THANK YOU JESUS, Larry’s wife was able to meet and speak with President Obama during his visit to Lawson State. My spirit has been touched by all that has taken place and my heart is full.

The list is too long to put on here, but I would like to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous donation of time, energy, and the effort you have put toward this cause.

But the fight isn’t over yet, Larry is still behind bars. We must continue to use our voices and social media to reach the masses and continue our fight until Larry is home where he belongs. When posting to social media,  please remember to use the hashtag: #FREELARRYLANGFORD or #FREELARRYNOW

Again, thank you and I will see you on the battlefield!

Frank James Matthews, III
President, Outcast Voters League


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