Home Word on The Street Word on The Street

Word on The Street

Compiled by Erica Wright

We asked Birmingham-area residents, name some good that came out of 2020 for you?

ABBEY TIPTON: “I did get to travel even with all of the restrictions. I was able to explore a lot more of the country and from those travels I was able to build close relationships with people. I traveled to Ashville, North Carolina, which I had never been there before and I also got to travel to Denver, Colorado and I got to see a friend there which was really amazing.”

HANNAH MCADAMS: “I got my first fulltime job March 15, during COVID with [a major accounting firm].  It has been really great because my job has invested in me. I also think I’ve got to build a lot more friendships because of COVID and personally, I think those friendships are deeper than if life was still happening normally.”

ASHLEIGH STARKS: “I’ve had a lot of self-growth and just taking time to appreciate and understand myself and my space and boundaries and what I want to do. Secondly, I think spending time with my family before I came to UAB, that was a lot of fun, we were a lot closer than we were before because we spent every day together in quarantine so we just grew.”

JOYCE GUO: “Spending more time with family because you don’t get to do that too often, so now since COVID hit, more people are able to spend time with their family. Before COVID, I would probably go home once a month . . . now, I go home as often as I can and spend months with [family] now.”