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A Quest to know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

Apostasy is a word you never hear mentioned in today’s churches, but it should frequently be explained, because there is a growing problem in the Body of Christ. You may be thinking – should it be mentioned, and if you are thinking that, you may have a good reason, but it most certainly should be, because most church people are walking in complete defiance of the Word without knowledge.  May I explain? Did you say, please do? Okay, you see the church people have become so worldly minded until anything goes. Their interest is more in football, card playing, and secular music and lyrics – just to name a few – than in seeking the presence of the Lord Jesus, whom they say they seek to please. Drifting is deadly nullifying.
Let us look at Scripture and see what it says about apostasy. It will explain in detail the danger of following that path in II Timothy 3: 1-9, which talks about the last days, which is the present time – people would be lovers of themselves, filled with boasting, and covetous, that is money lovers, false accusers, proud, blasphemers, and disobedient to parents, as well as unthankful. Society is full of peace- breakers, and liars. Many Church people have taken on the spirits of the world, and it is difficult to distinguish them. Do you wonder why?  Yes – they have not invited the presence of the Lord in during their private time nor when they congregate in the house of the Lord. In order to live this Christian life, you must do what Jesus said do in Luke 9:23,” He who will follow me, let him deny himself, take up your cross daily and follow me.” This is a call for those who love the Lord and want to obey Him.  WILL YOU OBEY?  www.thealmightyeyes.com


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