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Senate Minority Leader Vivian Davis Figures Invited to Serve on Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Early Childhood Commission


Vivian FiguresSenate Minority Leader Vivian Davis Figures (D-Mobile) was invited by Kentucky Governor Steven Beshear to serve on the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Early Childhood Commission because of her “expertise and dedication”.  Over the next year, the Commission will develop a set of recommendations to help more children in Southern states gain access to high-quality early learning programs.

Figures currently serves as a member of three committees in the State Senate which all deal with legislation and policy effecting early childhood education: Education Committee, Children, Youth Affairs & Human Resources Committee, and Finance & Taxation Education Committee.

“I am truly honored to have been selected by Governor Beshear to serve on the SREB Early Childhood Commission,” Figures stated.  “During my tenure in the Senate I have always remained committed and passionate about finding ways to improve education in Alabama, including early childhood education.”

Governor Beshear wrote to Senator Figures reiterating the importance of this Commission: “We know that the first few years of life are crucial for a child’s cognitive development and learning.  Evaluations of high-quality early learning programs show that participating students are less likely to drop out of school, repeat grades, or need special education compared with similar children did not have such experience.”

“I look forward to serving on the Commission and helping create the most effective recommendations to assist children in gaining access to pre-k education.  Just as important, I am excited to meet with leaders throughout the South and hope to bring back knowledge and innovative practices that Alabama can implement to benefit our pre-k students and teachers here at home.”

Senator Vivian Davis Figures is a Democrat from Mobile.  She has served in the Alabama Senate since 1997.  Senator Figures currently serves as the Minority Leader for the Alabama Senate Democratic Caucus.


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