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Are We Really Going to Put the Image of Racism on the $20 Dollar Bill ?


Are We Really Going to Put the Image of Racism on the $20 Dollar Bill ?
By Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr.

  NATIONWIDE (BlackNews.com.) — Can there be anything more insidiously proposed; is there anything more ironically insane then this narrative? Let us look at this for what it is. Millions in America, and I do mean millions, thought their vote for Barack Obama would once-and-for-all deal a death blow to our past slavery and segregation stigma and signify to the world that racism is dead in America.
Rasmussen reported recently, “Despite high hopes to the contrary, voters continue to believe the racial picture in this country has gotten worse since the election of the first Black president. A national telephone survey finds that only 8 percent of likely U.S. Voters think race relations are better since President Obama’s election six years ago. Forty-two percent believe race relations are worse now, while slightly more (48%) say they have stayed about the same.” But it doesn’t end there, for now under the administration of the first Black president you have the suggestion of putting the notorious eugenic, Margaret Sanger, on the 20 dollar bill! So much for… “Black Life Matters!”
Margaret Sanger, who was perhaps the most diabolical racist of our times said in, Pivot of Civilization, referring to African-Americans, immigrants, and poor people, that they were “…human weeds,” “…reckless breeders…,” “…spawning… human beings who never should have been born….” Moreover in her letter to Clarence Gamble, of Proctor and Gamble soap company, himself a staunch advocate of birth control and eugenics, Margaret Sanger further most succinctly stated,
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members….”
I would certainly be considered a “more rebellious member” and I vehemently protest and find it outrageous in these times of “Political Correctness” that she should even be considered for the 20 dollar bill. Remember Jimmy the Greek’s comments about African-American athleticism and future coaching positions? Career over, even after receiving support from player union representatives, Gene Upshaw and Ahmad Rashad…. Or more recently with Donald Sterling’s comments to his mistress –in private –about bringing Black players to his games (who was more jealous about their athleticism with her than their color) resulting in being banned from basketball. Bruce Levenson, who was blaming African-American fans for the lack of corporations and white people from buying season suite purchasers. Or Rodner Figueroa, who is openly gay, and whose father is half African-American, who was fired after a call from the White House –(oh the hypocrisy, it’s killing me) –for comparing Michelle Obama to a character in the movie, “The Planet of the Apes.” All of the above mentioned, profusely offered up apologies, but received no pardon and now you are going to put on the 20 dollar bill the image of an individual who called African-Americans, human weeds, reckless breeders and accused them of spawning persons that should have never been born… On the 20 dollar bill!
Now to all the African-American readers of this article, watch for the response from the NAACP… The Congressional Black Caucus… The National Action Committee (Al Sharpton)… The Rainbow Coalition (Jessie Jackson)… Or, Barack and Michelle Obama… ‘…three or four colored ministers…’all. You will not see them say one word of protest nor contrary response to the name of Margaret Sanger due to the fact that they all are in bed with the leading killer of African-Americans: Planned Parenthood. They find it acceptable for America’s leading abortion provider not only to get your tax dollars, but are free to cast racially derogatory slurs against you and your ancestry. Ask any of these organizations how they feel about Margaret Sanger being on the Twenty Dollar Bill, and for the record, request it in writing.
And please don’t forget Barack and Michelle in your request for a response.
Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. is the founder of www.BlackGenocide.org – a website designed to reach the Afro-American community with the truth about abortion.


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