Home National Black Pro-Life Leaders Call for Immediate Investigation of Planned Parenthood

Black Pro-Life Leaders Call for Immediate Investigation of Planned Parenthood

Black Pro-Life Leaders Call for Immediate Investigation of Planned Parenthood

Contact: Pastor Stephen Brodenm (photo), National Black Pro-Life Coalition, 214-394-0098
DALLAS, Aug. 11, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — The recent revelations of Planned Parenthoods atrocious practice of selling dead baby body parts for profit is revolting. The National Black Pro-Life Coalition (NBPLC) calls for the immediate investigation and prosecution of all criminal activity associated with selling aborted babies for profit.
The NBPLC is aware of the fact that Planned Parenthood has been involved in this practice of selling dead baby body parts for years. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are the primary source for providing embryonic stem cells from aborted babies to those scientific research organizations engaged in this heinous practice. It is a contemptible practice and must be stopped immediately.
We in the National Black Pro-life community are especially vexed by these recent revelations in light of the fact that the majority of abortions performed in America are performed on Black women. This fact clearly reveals that the majority of aborted babies being sold for scientific research are aborted Black babies. This evil must cease and desist.
The NBPLC is outraged that this administration has vowed to veto any legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and end taxpayer funding of abortion in America. We are equally outraged that the first Black President of the United States will not stand and protect innocent babies of every race, but most especially that he will not stand against the high number of abortions in the Black community.
The NBPLC calls on the Department of Justice to immediately investigate Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry and prosecute all who have violated the law. We call upon the House of Congress to legislate an end to all scientific research with dead aborted babies in America.


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