Home Local Entertainment Did Monica “SCAM” fans?

Did Monica “SCAM” fans?


code red experience

Now you all know that I’m not really big on “GOSSIP.” However, I try to keep my readers informed on what may seem like scams! On last night, a young man called my phone to share his experience at the Monica Arnold concert held at Center Stage in Atlanta. Since I kinda like Monica, I thought he was about to share a very pleasant experience. To my surprise, he shared just the opposite.

“Ryan’s story”

The young man whom I will refer to as Ryan explained to me that he was a really big fan of Grammy Award Winner Artist and my fellow ATLien #MonicaArnold.

He and his friends allegedly went onto Monica’s website at monica.com to purchase what “they thought“ was a VIP experience to meet Monica.

Details about Monica Code Red (feature picture)

Picture on the left retrieved from themikeylatelyshow.com

Picture on the right retrieved from


Prior to arriving at Center Stage, Ryan stated that he received the confirmation email below with instructions on how to claim his VIP experience when he arrived at the venue. The content in the email gave him the impression that he would be able to get into the venue quickly and that he would receive  credentials when he picked up his tickets at WILL CALL.

When Ryan checked in at will call, he was informed that his name was NOT on a list for a VIP experience. He stated to me that he following the directions in the email, he showed the attendant his confirmation email, his identification along with his electronic receipt. He expressed his concerns that their must have been some sort of error.

Monica Arnold

The Center Stage attendee apparently attempted to contact Monica’s team to see if they could come down to assist. Center Stage clearly didn’t want their name attached to this mess! According to my caller, he stated that Monica’s team brushed he and his friends off for an extended period of time. When someone from Monica’s team finally came down to talk to them, they bluntly told them, “If you don’t have a VIP ticket, you don’t get to meet her” and left!

code red experience 2

Upset at what happened, he decided to leave the venue and stated he would simply dispute the charge with his bank.

My response to Ryan:

I’ve been going to concerts frequently for the past two years since I started blogging. One thing that I’m starting to see is that promotors and artists are starting to offer what appears to be VIP experiences; when the purchase isn’t really that VIP.

I shared with Ryan how a similar situation nearly happened to me when a very famous rapper did a show in South Mississippi. Listed on the flier, I remember reading the caption, “VIP experience $150.” Yes, you are reading this correctly. 

Honestly, I was very close to purchasing the ticket because I really wanted to meet this rapper. The only reason that I didn’t was because a friend who was familiar with the scam told me that the $150 tickets didn’t get you in the room with the artist, but would only allow you access to the 2nd floor of the club.

The rapper was supposedly going to be on a different side of the building and you really wouldn’t be near him at all. The promotor was legitimately able to sell the ticket as VIP because you were granted additional access than those with regular admission.

Now y’all know if had paid my $150 to get in dat club and it was a bait and switch, I would’ve did a “Lisa (Left Eye) Lopes” number and burnt that -ish down! I’m just saying, #mymoneymatters to me. Be careful guys and gals. 

If similar situations happen to you, don’t be ashamed to share with others. If I had posted my story earlier, maybe Ryan and his friends wouldn’t have been caught up in this mess.

Disclaimer: I am simply repeating the details regarding Monica Arnold’s concert as they were disclosed with me. I’m making no claims that Monica knowingly was involved in such foolery, nor am I saying these are facts that I witnessed. This blog simply was published as a means to help buyers be aware. If you see the same promotion in your city, you can make a more informed decision?

Andre J. Thomas is a 5x Award Winning Producer and Entertainment Blogger based out of Birmingham, Alabama. He can be heard every Saturday on the hit radio show, Joe Lockett Show. The Joe Lockett Show airs on 101.1 FM & 1260 AM (Metro Birmingham) every Saturday from 4pm to 7pm CST. You can also read articles written by Andre in The Birmingham Times, Black Moguls Magazine, and on andrejthomas.com.

Andre J. Thomas
Entertainment Blogger for www.andrejthomas.com
Radio Personality with The Joe Lockett Show www.jlockettshow.com
IG: @AndreTheBlogger & @andrejthomas
Twitter: @mrandrejthomas
Facebook: @AndreJThomas


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