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Mobile Wellness Van Coming to Underserved Areas in Birmingham


By Adam Pope

UAB News

Live HealthSmart Alabama a program of the University of Alabama at Birmingham and powered by the UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center, has added a Mobile Wellness van to its lineup of mobile, healthy living services.

With a goal of making good health simple, this service will bring comprehensive health screenings — at no cost — to underserved communities across Birmingham.

It will begin making stops at several locations in Birmingham on Nov. 7 and 21, and Dec. 5 and 19.

Dalton Norwood, M.D., the lead physician on the unit, and his team will help people identify what their body needs to stay healthy — at no cost to the patient. Upon examination, if any of a patient’s numbers are out of range, the Mobile Wellness staff will recommend next steps in their health care journey.

“The Mobile Wellness van provides Live HealthSmart Alabama an opportunity to partner with communities to bring health screenings, chronic disease management tools, counseling and related programs into their neighborhood, decreasing barriers to access and transportation,” said Teresa Shufflebarger, chief administration officer for Live HealthSmart Alabama.

After just 15 minutes, patients can expect to know key health numbers, including personalized data for their blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and Body Mass Index (BMI).

In addition to a patient’s individualized health care journey, the Mobile Wellness van will also provide free services such as flu vaccines and vision screenings.

View the Mobile Wellness van schedule and more information here.