Home People Profile Bham People 9th Annual “O Give Thanks” Community Food Drive Program

9th Annual “O Give Thanks” Community Food Drive Program


HopewellSunday November 17, 2013, 7:45 a.m. Church Service
Hopewell Baptist Church 4817- Jefferson Ave. SW, Birmingham, AL 35221 Dr. Edward E. Rodgers, Pastor

Dr. Grant stated he pleased that the Charlie Smith Sunday School Class has continued serving the community with this food campaign drive for nine years. During these economic hard times many families from various communities Bessemer, Brighton, Birmingham, West End and other locations are welcome. Dr. Grant stated that Hopewell Church, Dr. Edward E. Rodgers, Pastor, serves over 1500 children at various aftercare school hot meals daily. With this being said, we cordially invite you join us in services during our kick-off services. Come join us and fellowship together in a wonderful experience of worship and praise.

Drop off location: Hopewell Family Life Center. We are in need of donations, turkeys, hams, canned goods, condiments and monetary gifts.
Contacts: Hopewell Church 925.2134; Chairperson Dr. Albert Grant Chair-Teacher 428-5229 and Sis. Mildred Smith Co-Chair 426.3631. Application may be pick up at church office. Deadline for Application is November 18, 2013 at 12 p.m.


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