Home Love Stories Black Love ReEntry



reentry-marqueeHow do veterans shift from combat to civilian life? And what is the price paid by families back home when husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters go to war? These are just two of the questions at the heart of the innovative new play ReEntry that will kick off the 2013-14 theatrical season at Birmingham-Southern.

The performances will be held Oct. 3, 4, & 5 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 6 at 2:30 p.m. in the College Theatre/Underground.

Provocative is probably the best term for the play, which is based on extensive interviews with vets and their families as they recount the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prepare for a memorable and intimate evening of honesty, humor, and thoughtful complexity as ex-soldiers reveal the personal truths of their sacrifices.

Seventeen student actors and technicians are involved in the BSC premiere of ReEntry, written by playwrights Emily Ackerman and K.J. Sanchez.

Ticket prices are $15 for the general public; $10 for students, regardless of school. Cash, checks, and major credit cards are accepted for payment. Go to: www.bsc.edu/academics/theatre/productions.cfm to make your reservations today or call the College Theatre Box Office at (205) 226-4780, Monday through Friday, from 1-4:45 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online.

Please be advised that ReEntry contains strong adult language and is recommended for mature audiences only.

Want front-row seats to campus performances? Join the BSC Fine Arts Society today! Learn more at www.bsc.edu/academics/fas.


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