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Chruch Announcements


images.2jpgGalilee Missionary Baptist Church, 1231 24th Street North Birmingham, AL 35234, Cordially invites you to attend the Ninety-Fifth Annual Celebration of the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, Reverend Dr. James V. Tyus, Jr. Pastor, Sunday, November 17th, 3 p.m. Guest Speaker, Reverend Darryl L. Warren, New St. James Baptist Church. Sister Gale Layton, Chairperson; Sister Minnie Mathews, Publicity Chair.


Saint John African Episcopal Methodist Church

As we commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham, Saint John African Episcopal Methodist Church, one of the pivotal churches during the movement, invites you to participate in the celebration of its One Hundred Fortieth Anniversary observance. Activities for this momentous occasion will begin on Friday, November 15,  at 6:30 p.m. with a Praise Festival.  Parker High, Wenonah High and Talladega College choirs will be featured, along with special talent from Saint John’s members.
Saturday, November 16, will be a time for giving back to the community. From 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. a variety of community projects will take place. These include: clean-up in the Fountain Heights area, yard care for the elderly, visitation of the sick and shut-in, and a food and clothing drive for the homeless.
Sunday, November 17,  at 9:30 a.m. our celebration will culminate with worship service featuring the Saint John African Episcopal Methodist Church reunion choir and reunion praise dancers along with the message shared by the dynamic speaker Rev. Joshua Johnson (Metropolitan AME Zion Church).
Please join us for three days of spirit filled and joy inspired fellowship.
Saint John African Methodist Episcopal Church is located at 708 15th Street North, Birmingham, Alabama.  The Rev. Mashod Evans is the Pastor.  For more information you may call 205-251-3764 or email us at sjamec@bellsouth.net.

Submitted by
Brenda Kindred

Jazz Vespers with Vince Perry and Friends on Saturday, November 16, at 3:30 p.m. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 1024 Center Street North Birmingham, AL 35204. Telephone 205-322-1331.



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