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A New Year and New Things


A New Year and New ThingsBehold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19  

Today is the first day of the year and many of you have great plans, have made resolutions and desire to make changes. It’s true that most plans, resolutions and changes won’t happen for long. Many give up quickly on what they want and the things they desire to do because there is no inner motivation and the reasons they want to make the changes are for others. Society says you’re overweight, so you desire to lose weight. The creditors are calling regularly so you want to do better with your finances. You’re tired of being alone so you are going to get out more. If you want to succeed this year with your resolutions and plans DO WHAT MATTERS TO YOU. When you are motivated from within and driven by what matters most to you, you are more likely to succeed.
This year I will be focusing more on the speaking and training business God placed before me three years ago. I begin and then I quit because I get caught up in what’s important to someone else or I begin to focus on how it’s going to happen. This year I am going to follow the lead of God and move forward with “It’s A New Thing Inc.” and help those that are in  position to help others so the lost can find their way to a place of safety, security and sanity. I will still send out the devotion but not as consistently. It’s not because getting the Word out isn’t important, it’s because it’s time for me to move to the next level and the burning desire inside of me to help the efforts of Urban School Teachers, Social Workers, Corrections, Probation/Parole Officers, Non Profit personnel and Pastors as well as teens lost in the system has to be quenched with action. The plan is complete, God has given me everything I need – IT’S TIME!
If you need a word of encouragement and haven’t heard from me, please feel free to email me at dbrown@beyondthewalls8.com anytime. In the meantime, go forward with your dreams, bring the vision God showed you to life – no more thinking – it’s time to move forward.

Minister Deidra Bibb


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