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Too Attached!


Electra Adams New year, new beginnings and new mercies! Humans are creatures of habit. Experts declare that a 21 day- routine becomes a habit. Often we are baffled by habits formed years ago and by traits we cannot understand when, where, or why they came, yet undesired. These are threads in our character and personality wherein we find ourselves asking the question, Gee, why am I like this? You try stopping it, but getting off this roller coaster or merry-go-round is not as easy as it looks. It seems to be an ongoing battle. Can this circle be broken?
Today, in this new year, I declare the Word of God that says Jesus came to set the captive free! In the book of Ezekiel 16:1-3, (abridged) Your birth and nativity is of the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite, and your mother a Hittite. And as for as your nativity, in the day you were born your navel was not cut, neither were you washed in water or salted; nor were you swaddled at all; you were an outcast because no one pitied you. Therefore, when I saw that you were polluted in your own blood as I passed by, I declared LIFE! I said “Live”!
Your navel cord is the attachment in your mother’s womb wherein you draw substance until birth; nevertheless, it can represent anything that has you bound for years, controlled or shackled in a debilitating manner. Too long we are led about by things or people of whom we cannot get away from or by some cord (soul tie) that we, in our human strength, cannot cut. There are threads which flow through the blood- line; our mothers were Hittites and our fathers were Amorites. This thread has roamed generation after generation, now it is at your house. This iniquity has come to torment and drive you.
As we enter the new year, be reminded that though our sin are as red scarlet, the Blood of Jesus washes as white as snow. It is important that we first surrender to Him that His Blood hits the root of our problem, thus destroying the cord or chain that has us held in bondage.
Matthew 24:12… And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.  What, then, is iniquity? If you answer this with sin, it is only partially correct. What kind of sin? Is it not the sins of the fathers which were never addressed or traveled through spiritual? As the body of Christ, the Church, we must begin to disclose the root of iniquities; the cords (nativity) that were never broken. Jesus taught holistic salvation. We must deal with the cause, the origin. As His body, we must embrace the need to teach or give insight on generational curses and kingdom of darkness truths. We have been taught that this gives Satan glory. Question! How can life changing truths, information, give Satan glory? Impossible! We are destroyed for a lack of knowledge! Information exposes his devices; this alone sets people free. “Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper, and be in health, even as your soul does prosper. Is your soul prospering? You must be positioned to prosper in any capacity.
This year make a quality decision to study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly (defining) the Word of truth. Determine to have a great new year.
I pray that you have good health and obtain great wealth and be endowed with wisdom to maintain both!
Write to me and order my books: Synagogues of Satan;  Broken Pieces;  But, I’m a Mother and That’s My Child!  Address: PO Box 39004, B’ham, AL 35208.


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