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Ark of Safety


Electra Adams  God is a Spirit. If you know Him, if you walk with Him, and if you love Him, you must do so in the Spirit and in His truth. He is not A Man! Though “He created all things in heaven, all things in earth, all things visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities or powers…all things were created by Him.” Yet, He Himself is not a man. He is our ultimate Father and Creator and He entreats us beyond the abilities of  any  natural parent. His love is fervent, deeply heated, as, He is also a flaming/consuming fire.
At the fall of the first Adam, darkness inevitably covered the earth. At the death of the second Adam, those who accept Him as Savior and Lord, to them He gave power to become Sons. Those who have become sons now stand as the light of the world! If we walk in the light endowed unto us, there would be no need for stumbling. Man sometimes feels that to love him indicates that he shouldn’t be corrected. Mature men can stand to be corrected. Their feelings are not that easily offended.  Remember, whom the Lord loves He chastens.
God loves us where we are, when we are, but never how or why we  are. He will never embrace our sin as an acceptable thing. He sent His Son to destroy the works of the devil, or should I say, the works of evil. He is not as man that He sits around waiting on any to fall; He made preparations for man, should a fall occur.
Peter denied Him three times but His unconditional love never failed. He looked beyond Peter’s problems, prayed for him that his faith to be made whole would not fail and commanded him to strengthen his brother once he was converted. Jesus knew Peter would deny Him just as He knows what all are capable of doing; yet He had already prepared man an Ark of Safety (Jesus the Christ).
Today the throne of grace remains unmovable. The ark of safety has gathered many a-thousand. The mercy seat yet has room for one more.  We are the light of the world.  How can we give light to a dark place when our flame no longer exists? Jesus will light your fire, if you come close enough to the flame!


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